Thunder is the sound of God bowling
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Thunder is the sound of God bowling.
Ny belife is that god cry when it rains and whenever it thunders he gets a strikw in bowling! But i dont know what the lightning ia:: (
when i was younger i got a web sitie that thunder was angles bowling and i thought that lightning was them making a goal and they start to celabart by having a party
I used to think that thunder was god bowling. My sister told me that.
top belief!
I always thought thunder was the angels in heaven playing bowling and lightning was the lights going crazy because an angel got a strike.
I always thought that when there was thunder during a storm, it meant that either God was really mad or he was bowling. I thought that when it was raining that angels were crying.
top belief!
When I was six or seven, thunder was obviously angels bowling on our roof. I thought it was very disrespectful of them, especially when they bowled at night when I was trying to sleep.
When I was little i was told that The thunder and lighting was god bowling
i was always scared that the bowling ball was going to fall on me
To this day i'm still scared of storms
whenever it was lightning out, my dad would tell me that God was bowling up in heaven.
when i was 5 i said that when it rained it was god taking a shower when it thundered he was bowling, and when there was lightning he was playin with a flashlight.
I used to believe that God was bowling with the angels when there was thunder and lightning meant he got a strike.
Also that when you see a ray of sunlight peeking through the clouds at a distance that He was taking souls to be soldiers in Heaven...still sounds good to me.
i had a fear of thunder storms at the age of three my mother always told me tje flasked lightning is the angel start the bowling the ball then u hear the thunder is the strike and now i love to hear the thunderstorm. no matter how disasterous they may be more the fun
top belief!
I used to believe that when it rained, god was either watering flowers or taking a shower, when there was thunder god was bowling and when it snowed god was rubbing dandruff off of his hair!(I was about six when I learned what really causes weather)
I used to believe thunderstorms were bowling in heaven
when i was 7 my mommy told me that thunder was God bowling. and that lightning was the flashy lights when you get a strike! 10 years later.. the other day, my boyfriend told my that thunder is god taking a picture of you, and the lightning is the lash. yeah, we're not 7 anymore!
My dad used to tell me thunder was when god was bowling and got a strike.I also thought lightening was when god turned on a lamp.
I use to believe that thunder was God and the angels bowling. When I got a little bit older, I thought it was when clouds ran into each other.
When I was little I was terrified of thunder, so my cousin told me it was Jesus and God bowling...only we made it more elaborate than that. They were on a team against the Roman Gods (I had an obsession with mythology) and when Jesus won, the last bolt of lightening looked like a "J".
i used to think that when it thundered, it was god bowling with his friends.
I used to believe that the sound of thunder was the angels and god in heaven bowling.
i used to belive that when it would thunder god would be bowling and when it lightninged he made a strike.
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