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Thunder is the sound of God bowling

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I used to believe thunder was God bowling. Every Wednesday was my parents' bowling day, and it often stormed. I told my Mom, "Hey, mommy, I think God has the same bowling day as us!"

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Thunder was the people who were already in heaven bowling.

Julia Henderson
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When I was really young my mom told me that thunder was the sound of God bowling, and that when sun rays shone through clouds it was souls ascending from a graveyard.

I figured out the truth when I was a little older, and at that point swore that if I ever had kids I would look up the real answers to their questions rather than confuse them with nonsense.

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I used to believe that when it stormed God was bowling. When he rolled the ball was when it thundered, and when he got a strike was when lightning struck

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I used to believe that thunder was the sound of angels bowling, rain was when they were taking a shower, and lighting was when one of them was shocked.

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When it was storming, the thunder was God bowling, lightning was the fireworks when He got a strike, and rain was angels crying because they lost. I like to still think this.

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I used to think that when it was thundering outside it was the angels bowling and strikes were lightening. so whenever the lightening came, I would cheer for God. My mom thought I was a little strange...

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i used to believe that when there was thunder and lightning god was playing bowling at a disco

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I used to beleive that thunder was God bowling. The lightning was a result of hitting the pins so hard that they bounced and hit the lightswitch. We sort of went out of our way to avoid explaning the fact that the lightning(and lightswitch hitting) came before the crash.

I'd sort of like to know what people thought when they saw a bunch of little kids yelling at the sky, "Yay, God got another strike!" during a camping trip.

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When I was under the age of 13 I used to belive that thunder was God bowling, and the lighting was him hitting the pins, and he always got them.

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My mom always used to tell me that the thunder and lightening, that it was God and the spirits having a nightly bowling contest. Even to this day, I still like to think of this .

Strike and ur out!
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I used to believe that thunder storms were actually angels bowling and crying because they weren't doing well that day. I thought the lightning came from when the bowling balls hit the pins.

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I used to think that thunder was God bowling and the lightning was when He got a strike. Rain was also God crying and snow was God's dandruff.

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when there is a thunderstorm the lightening and thunder is god bowling. the thunder is god getting a strike and the lightening was the angels celebrating the strike. at one point i was also told that the lightening was god getting angry that his ball went into the gutter.

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I used to believe that when it thundered it was the angels bowling....when there was lightening, it meant someone got a strike!

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My grandpa used to tell us that the thunder and lightning was the angels bowling in the heavens. Whenever they got a strike, it would lightening. I know now that lightening causes the thunder not the other way around, but I used to think "of course they are good bowlers, they're angels!"

chilhood believer
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i used to believe that thunder was god bowling.

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i was a bit frightened of thunderstorms when i was young. my mom told me not to be afraid because it was just the angels bowling. i used to have the most amazing visuals in my mind of angels in our local bowling alley.

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Until I was about 7 I was terribly afraid of thunderstorms. As something to comfort me my mom told me that the angels had time off and they went bowling. When they made a strike there is a huge bang and its thunder. When lighting strikes an angel has one game and hes celebrating. I didnt like that bowling alley, they couldve gone to the one down the road, I would have liked that a lot better............

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I was terrified of thunderstorms when I was little. I'm still a bit antsy about them today. My parents taught me the story of god and bowling (which apparently many people have heard). But I was also taught if you killed a spider, then it would rain..

{ Jen }
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