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thunder and lightning

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I used to believe, due to my mums home spun wisdom, that thunder was God moving his furniture.

Carolina Perez
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Everytime it would either thunder or lightning outside(when it rained) I could be electrocuted merely by stepping foot into a shower.The family format was to wait until the storm had passed entirely and then proceed with cleaning your body.

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I used to believe that thunder came the handle on my Dad's drill press. I called it the thunderstick. And i also thought that storms were sucked down the storm drain when they were blown out.

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I used to believe that there was an old alien man riding a bicycle hooked up to a power generator in our laundry room. Of course, being an old alien, he was afraid of thunderstorms, so he sometimes stopped riding his bicycle and hid under our laundry during thunderstorms and the power would go out. I used to try to sneak him food through various cracks in the drywall. And I felt bad for him that he was riding his bike so much... Because it seemed like awful hard work. But, then I reasoned that he didn't need to ride his bike to give us power at night or while we were at school, and so he got a bunch of breaks, then.

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Every time it thundered and rained I used to believe that God was passing wind and "peeing"!

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My mother told me that thunder was the sound of the giants bowling. If you listen, you can see why I fell for that one.

Tracy Lee
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My brother once told me that lightning was the headlights of the 'batmobile' and thunder was those afterburner thingy also on the 'batmobile'.

Holy smokes Batman, it's raining out here...

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When I was little, I used to see things during thunderstorms. There was a wavy form of a woman's face that would come towards me and get wavier as it got nearer to me. For some reason, I thought that, the wavier she got, the more angry she was and that, when the lightning struck, it gave her the power to kill me and so I would always run, for years, into my brothers' room and hide under their bed.

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Thunder and lightning was just natural fireworks. I still have a hard time worrying when walking in an electrical storm.

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that when it thunder'd it was angels rolling barrels around heaven.

daniel copeland calif,u.s.
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i used to think that lightning during rainstorms was because god was taking pictures of us. During the real heavy thunderstorms, I would actually look up so that he could get a good shot.

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My mum used to tell me that thunder was god re-arranging the furniture.

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my dad used to tell me that when it thundered it meant that god was really angry and was throwing a temper tantrum.

anna k
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My three brothers used to tell me that thunder was caused by football players up in heaven kicking the ball at the goalposts really hard.

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I was led to believe that thunder came from Jimmy Thunder who was a builder. The sound produced was Jimmy emptying his huge wheelbarrow which was full of bricks. There were so many bricks that the noise could be heard for miles. My Grandfather (God bless his soul) was a great storyteller.

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My nan used to tell me that when it thundered and lighteninged, God was smacking Jesus's bum because he kept turning the light on and off.

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I used to beleive that thunder was made by the clouds crashing together,and that lightening was the light being pushed out from between the clouds when they crashed together!

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