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thunder and lightning

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I used to think that lightening was like a flashbulb, so you better not be doing anything bad or else the angels or God would see. So smile, just in case it's a picture. Also, if a flash from the reflection fo the sun on a car's windshield or other object would do the same. I did a lot of "freeze and smile" because I wanted to be remembered to be a good little girl who smiled a lot.

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I used to think that lightening would folow you up the stairs and zap you, and that if you had a cat on your lap during a thunderstorm , the lightening would find you.

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i believe that using gold give electric shock at the time of lightning.so i didnot wear gold when rain starts.

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When it's thunder and lightning, I think it's God banging on some drums letting us know that he is still God. The lightning God is saying, "Wake up everyone, you have a choice. You follow me or you follow the world. I will be coming soon like a lion who roars out loud!"

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I was told that thunder was my passed away grandfather playing football with God/Jesus, lighting was chandeliers that young angels caused to fall by playing on them, and that rain was God's tears that he was losing a follower of him, or because he fell and got hurt. I still believe that to this day

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i thought that when it was thundering out that there were angels that were banging on there drums and when lightning came i thought it was god taking pictures

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when i was around 8 years old my aunt told me that lightning is something which occurs when Mother Mary is very happy... because of which there used to be fire works. so lightning was actually supposed to be when they were fireworks

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I used to think thunder sounds were called "Boombies" and I would say
"Boombies!" if I heard lightning.

James the Great
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When my husband was a little boy, his mum used to tell him that thunder was just God moving the furniture about. Aww!

The Mrs
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I used to belief that thunder was the clouds bashing against each other. It was when i was 18 i realised this weren't the case.

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My husband's mother used to tell him that when it was thundering that was just God moving furniture around his house.

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When I was really little, my babysitter told me and my brother that when it thundered, God was moving his furniture.

Hilary The Baker
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It was obvious, thunder was the sound of God having the coal delivered direct into the coal cellar, and the lightning was sparks being struck off the coalhole cover if the coalman kicked it accidentally.

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i believed that thunder and lightning came out of the alley across the street from my house.

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when i was young i was told that thunder represented god moving the chairs about

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My parents told me that thunder happened because giants were bowling up in the sky and when it thundered it was a strike. When lightning struck, it was their opponents the fairies getting a strike. For years I was worried about giant bowling balls falling out of the sky.

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I used to believe that thunder came the handle on my Dad's drill press. I called it the thunderstick. And i also thought that storms were sucked down the storm drain when they were blown out.

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When I was younger, my sister told me that thunder storms were just the thunder and lightening shouting to one another; something they had to do, as they lived too far apart to hear each others regular voice!?!

CCT, Melb., Australia
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When i was a child, my father told me that when we were having thunderstorms, it was actually a baseball game in heaven. He said that the thunder was a coach and an umpire arguing and the lightning was cameras.

Gullable Child
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I used to believe that thunder was caused by giants bowling in the sky.

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