i used to believe

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top belief!

My mum told me that there were dangerous currents in rivers and from then on I always looked for currants(the berries) floating around in the water!

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Until very recently, I believed that waterwheels on the sides of mills were there to move the water along in the river.

I am 44.

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When my daughter was 4 years old, she watched a tv show on the volcanos of Hawaii. They showed the lava, or "lavie", flowing into the ocean. For about 6 months after that she was convinced that "lavie" would come out of the hot water fawcet when ever she turned it on...

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when i used to go to the beach when i was wee.I used to ask who was it that pulled the plug in the sea when the tide had gone out?

scott macmillan
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I used to believe that when there was more than one reservoir, one was for collecting hot water and the other stored cold!

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As a young and very guilable 15 year old I was given to beleave by some much older and 'wiser' work mates that the windows in igloos were made from freezeing 'hot' water, it was only many years later it came to me how i'd been had.

John P
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As a small child I was terribly worried that a polar explorer would drop a match, melt the ice-cap and drown everybody

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When I was little my brother gave me a scientific explanation for why ocean water was salty. He told me that kids on the beach would throw sand in the water, which would disolve and become salt. I believed this for a long time.

Salt Water Genius
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I used to beleive water could catch fire, this happened after i saw the news and heard somekids had burnt a homeless man by throwing liquid over him and settingit alight, i became scared of baths!

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top belief!

That the rivers stopped flowing at night!

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top belief!

when i was a kid, my dad told me that there was two kinds of ice, tame ice and wild ice. The tame ice was the icecubes in the freezer, and the wild ice was the ice forming on lakes etc in the winter.

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top belief!

When I was about 8 or 9 I asked my brother why there were always big storms at the Cape of Good Hope (I think we had been watching some adventure film about Pirates). He proceeded to give me a long and detailed explanation. Apparently the Atlantic Ocean was actually 32 feet higher than the Pacific Ocean. Where the two Oceans met, this large gap resulted in violent crashing of waves as the waters came together.
Completely plausible and beleived by me for many years.

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Until my 5th class, when we went to the beach I used to think that the ships near the horizon will fall down from earth into the ocean.

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I used to beleive that the water in the deep open well is because of some special rain right into the well when we are in sleep. This was told by my elder brother - I don't know wheather he also beleived so or not !

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I used to believe that in the middle of the ocean was a giant plug. That the waves were caused by air going in and out of the plug. I always made sure that I only went out as far as I could touch the ground because I thought that if you went out to far the giant plug would be pulled and you would go down the drain and had no chance to get back to the sand.

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when I was a child I thougt taht sea waves are the result of whales swimming

waleed bokhari
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I used to believe that all rivers ran south, or down. This just had to the truth because the rivers were on the big pull-down map hanging in our classroom and the fact that gravity makes water run down.

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top belief!

I used to think that whenever we were out on our boat and we hit a really big bump, that we were hitting the parts of the rockets that fell off the space shuttle and fell into the ocean.

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top belief!

I used to believe that when running back with the receding surf at the beach, the earth was rotating in the opposite direcction of what I was running, so that I was staying on the same spot.

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I thought that if you ate less than 30 minutes before going into the water to swim, if you got into the water up to at least your stomach, you would instantly drown. And I had no idea WHY this was -- I never questioned it!

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