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top belief!
When I was little and swimming in the ocean on family vacations, my mom would always shriek "Watch out for the undertow! The undertow!" Constantly. I used to believe there was this giant toe living under water, with teeth where the nail should be, that would eat you if you went too far out.I still see that scary toe in my dreams!
i used to believe that any water whatsoever on a boat would make it sink.
When I was about 5 or 6 I asked my mom why was the sky blue, she told me it was because the sea would reflect on it, I belived it until I was like 11!
Long after I learned that in NATURAL streams water always flows downhill and never uphill, I still thought that when I saw artificial drainage ditches alongside roads, the water in them would flow the same direction all along a given road. So anytime a road went alternately uphill and down, I thought water in the ditches alongside had to somehow flow uphill part of the time to maintain its flow parallel to the road.
When I was young I used to believe that thee white foam on crashing waves was actually the white manes of unicorns.
top belief!
When i was about 6 i went on a trip with my school to a water cleansing factory, we were then told how the water was cleansed and that we could be drinking water which dinosours had 'pee'd' in it and i was drinking their urine! I didn't drink water for a long time after that, i stuck to fizzy bottled pop...
Once my mom put a cup of iced water on the table. Due to a process that we all know now, there was some water around and under the cup. My four-year-old sister pointed to it and said," Mum! the cup's melting!"
when i was little i believed that if you got your clothes wet then you ruined them. i would lways fear of walking in the rain. and oh gosh! AVOID SPRINKLERS!!
When I was little I used to think that the salt water in the ocean was sand water with no salt. I used to think that people called it salt water because the sand looked like salt.
When I was young my Dad would take us all to the beach often . So one day I asked my Dad why was the sea so salty? Well he said there was a salt making machine being shipped from Italy ( being from Italy himself) sunk in the middle of the ocean and to this day its still making salt...LOL
when i was younger i went to the beach once with my mother,i asked her where waves came from and she said that when whales wave their big fins, that creates the waves. And i beleived her for a long time!
i used to beleive that the foam in river estuarys and in the sea were dead mermaids, this is what i was told when i was younger by my parents
top belief!
When I was young I could never figure out why I couldn't see the bunnies in the river. My parents would always look at the river and comment about how fast the rabbits were (rapids).
top belief!
When I was a small child, I believed that if I stepped into a water puddle, i would fall into space. The puddle reflected the sky, which made it look to me like a neverending hole.
I believed that if you walked around water all the way, you would walk around the world not realizing that we have many bodies of water.
top belief!
So many seafoam stories! My mom told me seafoam was the result of dead, decomposed mermaids. I was completely horrified and grossed out, and my brothers tortured me over it for years.
When I was about 8 or 9 I asked my father why I couldn't drink sea water. "Because it is salty", he replied. To which I, as any child of my age would do, asked "why is the sea salty?".
His answer was as follows: "The sea is salty because there was a giant who was way out at sea having dinner when he knocked the salt off his table into the sea, and made the sea salty."
To me, this made perfect sence as a child, and of course satisified my insatiable curiosity.
When I was at school I, intent on demonstrating my new found knowledge, proudly told the other children why the sea was salty, and much to my dismay they laughed at me.....but, I was still positive for a few years later that there was a giant out there waiting for his dessert.
top belief!
I used to believe that the foam that sometimes washes up on the beach was shark saliva...
top belief!
I used to believe that if you yelled at the waves and called them threatening names, mocking their size etc, you could make them bigger. I'm sure people at surf beaches used to wonder why there was this little kid out their with her boogie-board screaming "is that all you can do? My little sister is bigger than that, you wimpy wave" at the ocean...
i used to believe that the under toe was crack at the ocean floor like the grand canyon or valley and that it would suck you down and the close and you would die.
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