i used to believe

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I used to belive that places are colder when they're clean:
When I was 7 I came back from London and I told my friend that it's so cold there. And she said "yeah, that's because the streets there are much cleaner than here. It's like when you come back home to a clean house and it always feels colder. Well, it's the same with streets..."

The saddest part is that I thought it was true until I was in th 10th grade.

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I used to believe when I was 4 that when it rained, it rained across the whole world.

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I believed that the weatherman made the weather. The only excuse I got from adults was, "It has to rain, for the plants!" So, I thought the weatherman scheduled rain and I sometimes got quite upset with him bringing rain on a day I wanted to go outside!

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I used to believe that when you could see your breath outside in the cold, you were making clouds. So I would breathe out a lot to make as many clouds as possible :)

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I used to believe that sky-scrapers literally scraped the sky. I thought that they moved around and caused the cirrus type cloud formation because cirrus looks like cumulus that has been scraped. I would look up and whenever I saw cirrus I always used to think - "Damn, I missed the sky-scrapers again".

francis fox
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I used to believed that the clouds in the sky were floating piles of mash potatoes .

Funny Guy
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When I was younger, whenever I saw sunlight streaming through the clouds, I thought that it meant God was speaking to someone.

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Up until the other day my friend thought that SPF 30+ sunscreen meant that the temperature had to be above 30 degrees for you wear it. I was the one to inform her that this was not the case.

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I used to believe that clouds were made from the exhaust from airplanes. So when it would be a really hot day I would think, "Why don't they fly a bunch of planes so it'll be cloudy and cool off?"

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I used to believe those streaks in the sky (the ones airplanes or jets leave) were made by Mighty Mouse. I always tried looking for him, but I always missed him, since he was so fast.

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When I was younger I used to believe that rain comes from two clouds which have had an argument and that rainbow comes from the two clouds which became friends again.

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I used to believe that I could smell when it was going to snow.
(I still can!)

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When I was seven my cousin who disliked me greatly told me that you had to bundle up in the snow because if the snow touched yur skin it would eat holes into like acid. I went sledding and my shoe came off and I ran barefoot into the house screaming about my feet being eaten off. To this day I have a phobia of holes in my skin.

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when I was a kid I was very skinny, and my mother was telling my that one day the wind will blow me.

Since than I was always putting stounes in my pockets.

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In Illinois, we had a bad storm and were under a tornado watch. The family hid in the basement, and the whole time I thought we were hiding from "tomatoes". I was too you to understand "tornado", and thought they said "Run, get downstairs, there's a tomato coming!"

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Due to a father's brief history lesson one cold night, I firmly believed that the next Ice Age was going to happen overnight, with continent-sized glaciers at my door when I left for school one morning.

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I used to belive that 100% air humidity means, air is that humid that it is actually water and therefore the regarding region is completely underwater.

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I used to believe that anything that got sucked up by a tornado stayed up there until a hurricane came and put everything back.

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I used to think that the tree branches moving was making the wind, not the wind making the tree branches move.

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I thought that the map of England used on the weather forecast was the plot of land our house was built on. It never occured to me that it couldn't possibly be freezing and snowing out front and 5 degrees warmer and sunny out the back at the same time!

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