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top belief!
I use to believe until I was about 8-9 that the voice at the drive-through in fast food places could only hear adult voices becuse my dad had told me so many times "Stop yelling what you want! They can't hear you!"
When on vacation, I was terrified to go to sleep in a hotel bed for many years as a child, as on one vacation we were forced to stay in a seedy hotel with vibrating beds and my brother convinced me that he was going to sit on me, pour water on the bed, and watch me sizzle because there were electrical wires running throughout the mattress.
When I was small, there was a little drainage ditch down the hill from our backyard, in a sort of "mini forest". I was convinced that when it was full of water, friendly Italian men in gondolas would give people rides along small creeks and rivers. I always wanted to go on a tour of all of the little creeks.
while going down country roads i belived, freshly baled hay fields were cow grave yards. it made me sad to see so many grave markers .
On long road trips(long as in across the river to wal-mart, 5 min. at the most) my younger sister would keep asking, "Are we still in America?" She was about 4-5 at the time.
My family went to Disneyworld for a week, and I was extremely dissapointed that we did not use a rocket to get there. My mum says that's because Walt Disney used the misnomer Disneyworld instead of Disneyplace
I used to be terrified of the dentist. Since I was repeatedly told NOT to swallow the mouthwash, I knew it was poison and I could die at any moment.
When I was about four I was taken to the State Capitol. I was told that my grandfather used to work there. (He was a state representative) They also discussed the fact that there were tunnels that led to other buildings. I thought that my grandfather was buried under the floor.
Living in Amish country, our family would take many "Sunday drives". My parents used to tell me and my brothers that Indians lived in the corn shocks (which looked like tee-pee's). For several years when we went on a drive I always looked, but never saw any Indians.
I grow up in the country and had no idea of what a city was and one day my father said he had to go to the nearest city. I asked what a city was and he said that it was a place where many people lieved together. So, for many years I thought that a city was a very big house.
Once I was out running errands with my mom. She was telling me all the things that we were going to do "okay, we'll go to the grocery store, the drug store, and then we'll hit the bank..." at this point I said, "mommy, why do we have to hit the bank?"
My parents told me that the woman in any picture in a restaurant was "The Mademosielle," and the Mademoiselle ate children who misbehaved. If we were ever at a resturaunt and heard a child crying, my parents told me it was because the Mademoiselle was eating them. Needless to say, I was always very well-behaved at the dinner table.
I used to believe that if you sank to the bottom of the big pen of balls at Chuck-E-Cheese's (formerly Show Biz Pizza) there was a big room of angry men down there that would torture you. I never got in the big pen of balls at Chuck-E-Cheese
i had 2 older brothers who used to tell me awful things. they told me that cow pies were really acid and if you stepped in one it would immediately dissolve your leg. so when we visited relatives on a farm and we were going to walk across the pasture i became hysterical and my father had to carry me so i wouldn't accidentally step in an cow pie and dissolve
top belief!
When my husband was in grade school he and his friend went to a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game. His friend suggested they split up and try to get as many autographs as they could. My husband ran up to the first man (in the stands) that he saw and asked for his autograph, the man kindly signed his glove and told him he may want to get a baseball players autograph next time.
My father is twisted. When we were children, our dad used to take us for Sunday drives around the lake. Every now and then, just to spice up the same old trip, he would pull the car over and announce "Okay, it's time to get out. This is where we found you, and it is time for you to go back!" He would convince us that he found us by the side of the road and that our old Mom and Dad were looking for us.
top belief!
I lived in Michigan, (US), growing up and when I was around 5 or 6 and we used to go by a town named Coldwater, whenever I saw that sign I always wondered where Hotwater was because if there was a Coldwater, there MUST be a Hotwater, right?
I used to believe that electrical power stations were playgrounds and i used to have tantrums whenever we drove past one caus i always wanted to play on them. now i knoe why mum didnt let me.
We had two sports arenas in our town-- one that was indoors, one outdoors. My mom convinced me that they were one building, which they opened up with a can opener when the weather was warm.
When i was about 5 or 6, I used to think that, in order to get statues of people, they covered them (and their horses) in cementto get the perfect shape and likeness. Seemed logical at the time!
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