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In the late 70's/early 80's, there was a restaurant chain called "The Big Yellow House". It was a big two-story buliding, shaped like, well, a big yellow house.

They were all built exactly the same, and in each of them, the restroom (the mens', at least) had this little door in the wall, maybe 3 feet tall. It was probably some sort of storage area or something, but I imagined that it was some sort of secret passage that led to a magical world. I always tried the knob whenever I went in there, but alas, it was always locked.

Joe Martinez
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When I was young, we were never able to talk when driving past a corn field. (A prank started by my parents). They would say, "Quiet, the corn is listening!", because of all the ears. To this day, I still get quite when passing a corn field.

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I used to believe that block partys were called black parties because the street is black. So when i was real young i woke up and couldnt find my parents. They were outside. I called 911and told them my parents went to some black party and never returned. Everyone got kick out of that.

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When my brother and I were small, my family often took car trips along a highway that went past a prison surrounded by three curving chain link fences with barbed wire at the top. My brother was kind of a problem child, so when he asked what the prison was, my parents told him it was the "bad boy school" and that he'd have to go there someday if he didn't learn to behave. After thinking seriously about this for a few minutes, my brother declared that if they sent him there, he'd just make sure he was really big when he grew up so he could walk over the fences and escape.

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I used to think that when the escalator ends, it is very important to jump over because otherwise it might swallow your legs.

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I used to believe that bridges were actually built before the river came. I thought that there were mystics who could predict were the river would flow!

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Whenever we drove past the Jack Astor's, I always read the writing under the logo as "Boy & Girl." I thought that maybe Jack was the boy and Astor was the girl and they founded the restaurant together. I never really questioned why Astor was a strange name. A couple of years later, after finding out I was near-sighted and had gotten glasses, we came across the sign again. I could now see that the sign read:

"Bar & Grill"


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When I was 5, our small town brought in a new PizzaHut to modernize the place. I had never heard of it before, but after I ate there I told all my friends and family about this amazing 'Pizza Hot' restaurant. My parents kept telling me it was in fact called 'PizzaHut', not 'Pizza Hot'. I always got mad at them because it only made sense that pizza was served 'hot'. It didn't make any sense the other way. Whenever we'd eat there I would silently stew about how my parents didn't know anything about pizza. I was convinced that I must be smarter than them.
It was only until after I learned to spell that year that I found out otherwise.

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Years ago at Disney World they had the ride 20,000 leagues under the sea. I believed that the octupus that was surrounding the sub was real. I only went on that one time! I was so tramatized to think that my parents would risk danger like that!!!!!!

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When I was a kid, about 5 years old, my dad and older brother thought it was funny to tell me that oil pumpers (the kind you see in Texas and Oklahoma) were actually monsters that pumped oil from the ground. Because they make this funny "heart beat" noise when they pump, I was deathly afraid of them, and would hide whenever we drove by.

My mom got mad at my dad about it, and so my dad and my brother thought they could cure me by driving right up next to one and parking there for a bit. They were rolling laughing at how much I was screaming and crying, which made me so mad that I forgot about the pumper! To this day, it still freaks me out to hear that sound (or the sound of a heart-beat).

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When I was a kid of about 6 n half years old I used to believe that the Guards at the Tombs and Mausolem were made of Plastic
I believed it untill i touched them and Checked them till the guard smiled at me

Super Khan
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when you heard news reports about holiday makers cuaght in traffic or flocking to a certain resort, I used to think they were a group of people who actually made the holidays for you to go on. I used to think it was nice they the tv people kept you up to date with what they were doing.

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Whenever my family went to restaurants, I always saw my dad put his credit card with the bill and watched the waitress take it away. By the time it came back I must have never been paying attention, because for the longest time I thought they had to mail the card back to my dad before he could use it again, and that my parents were just slow to leave the restaurant.

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I used to believe everything my older brother told me. Our pop used to take us with him when he bought his lottery tickets because we liked to look at the old coke cans in the shop window. When i would ask where we were going my brother would tell me we're going to the pub. So i naturally thought the pub was a place where you buy lottery tickets and look at cans. Imagine my teachers surprise when she asked what our favourite thing to do was and i replied "going to the pub with pop and looking at all the old cans"

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I used to get nosebleeds a lot as a kid. When I was around 12, I was looking for concert tickets for my favorite band. Another fan said the only seats left were in the nosebleed section. I thought, "Perfect! They have a section to accomadate people who get nosebleeds!" I thought they would have people with plenty of tissues for us, and everyone in the section would be sitting there bleeding freely, enjoying the show, and talking about ways to stop nosebleeds. Yeah. I learned the sad truth a couple of years later.

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i used to think that u know those doors that open automatically (sp?) well i used to think that they only opened if i blew them a kiss like i was there queen and that they where magic doors

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When I was little we used to go to Florida every summer...Ever since I can remember..One summer when we were there..I was about 5...My parents started talking to this lady and she looked at me and said..."Your very lucky to get to come to Disney world so young...It took me 40 years to get here!" And I just look at her and said.."Why, what did you do? Walk here?" Needless to say my parents were laughing really hard and I still get pick on about that one, 13 years later!

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I used to think the 10 gallon hat that is the sign for Arby's Restraunt was a big fish, and I couldn't figure out why they sold roast beef sandwiches and not fish sandwiches.

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Every 2 years our family drives out to Yakima, Washingon for our family reunion. We always passed those bales of hay wrapped in white plastic. My grandma told us that it was the marshmallow field. For years I wondered why the marshmallow package didn't say "Grown in Yakima"

Kaia Anastassakis
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I always wanted to go to Disney World when I was a kid - and I was so sure this road right up the street from me was the way to Disney World. When we finally ended up going to Disney World, of course, I couldn't figure out why we didn't take that road, and why it took so long to get there... (I live in Ohio!)

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