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i used to believe that when you were riding on an escalator that if you didnt get off in time you would go through the little cracks, go around a belt, back up to the top and have to ride back down in hopes of not getting stuck in the vicious cycle again.
I always thought that when I went to the dentist the chain holding the towel around my neck fastened me to the chair. I somehow never thought about the fact that I had to lean forward to spit and wouldn't be able to if I was chained to the headrest!
In some restaurants, the waiter takes your order, puts his piece of paper in a little lift and it goes up or down to the kitchen where they cook it and then put it in the same lift for the waiter to take out and bring to you. I used to think the lift read what was on that piece of paper and, as if by magic, turned it into the food you had ordered.
When I was three and went to Sea World for the first time, I wasn't going to see Baby Shamu. I was going to see "Baby Shampoo!"
In the 1960's the greater Seattle-Tacoma, Washington state area had many farms. As a youngster I liked to look at the old styled buildings, silos, gardens, animals, etc. However, many of the barns (the gambrel roof styled kind) had their glass windows placed at an angle. Instead of square shaped windows, they looked like diamond shaped windows, (with a cross in the middle of the glass). To me this looked wrong and paranormal. I would have nightmares about being trapped in these barns with the diamond windows and they would collapse around me, or some such frightening scenario. Today when an occasional diamond windowed barn is spotted, (usually in disrepair) I actually get somewhat nervous and there is no way I would ever go inside of one!!
i used to believe that disney world was in the sky
when i was little and our family was on a driving trip, i misunderstood my dad's explanation of the huge metal high tension power wire structures, and thought they were real, living monsters kind of marching across the land. i was so scared of them and would cry whenever i saw one.
I used to believe that to go on holiday anywhere for any lenght of time cost $1000 solid. OH boy was i wrong!!!!
When I was around the age of 5 or 6, my parents would take me to places to eat and I would not want to cooperate with them so they would say this freaky guy would come and kill me or take me away if I dont eat. So I would start to cry and try to eat. It was pretty scary for me at the time, But, now, I'm just like thats pretty sad.
I used to believe that the M.D. or PhD after a doctor's name meant that they were doctor's only in that state. M.D. stood for Maryland. I was so proud that we had that many docotors in our state.
When I was younger, all my friends went away during the summer on holiday. I asked my parents, tearfully, why everyone else got to go on holiday and not I. My mother, guilt-ridden as she was, said that we were just about to leave on "holiday" and would I like to come with her. Perking up instantly, I said yes.
Well, it turned out that the "holiday" was just the car wash at the gas station, but being 5, I had a very sketchy idea of a holiday anyway. I was delighted by my grand vacation, and for years afterward was reported to say that my favorite holiday was "the car wash".
When I was little, I didn't have school one day *I was about 5 or so*. I asked my mom and she told me it was because it was martin luther king's birthday. So I got dressed and waited around all day for my mom to take me to the party.
top belief!
My siblings and I had a strange set of rituals for everytime we came to a bridge while riding in the car. We would duck our heads if we went under a bridge because otherwise it would "suck up our hair" and lift our feet going over a bridge so it wouldn't suck off our toes. I was 10 before I figured out my older brothers were just playing a game and nothing was really going to happen, and it was years before I didn't feel a tingle of fear for my hair when going under bridges.
I used to believe that I could make the Merry-Go-Round go faster by pushing up or pulling down on the pole. I ofen rode around, waving wildly to my grandma with each passing, straining like a crazy person to whip the carosel into a speeding blur. I remember my grandma smiling back at me. Of course, now I know that she was probably very amused watching me work myself into a frenzy.
Until I was about five, I refused to ride on elevators, because I confused the word "elevator" with "alligator" and I was afraid of being eaten once the doors closed on me.
As a kid, I was scared to death of turnstiles, thinking they were put there just to scare and endanger people. I was scared to death that they could trap me or impale me, etc.
when i was about 4 years old, i used to think my mom would be getting french fries from mcdonalds whenever she went to the atm machine while in the car. When she was done getting some money, i would say, "where's the french fries, mom?!"
There was a Real Estate office in my town and it displayed pictures of the properties in some type of clear acrylic boxes behind the main counter. From the road, these reminded me of the donut bins at Dunkin' Donuts and I always bugged my grandparents to take me in for a donut. I believed this for years until one night my grandmother made my grandfather pull over so I could get a "donut". This finally stopped the pesting!
Whell when i was about 4 we would always drive by a power substation when we would go and get groceries. I thought, living in florida, that the power substation was really an orange juice factory and it sent orange juice to all the houses thru the wires. We still joke about that one. (^_^)
Every time me & my mom drove by the convention center, steam from the heaters were coming out of it. I used to think when I was 8 yrs old that it was a chocolate pudding factory!
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