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when i was a kid i used to belive that a 5 star hotel was one which has five floors.. and a 3 star the one which has 3

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I lived in a seaside town and ofen walked with my grandparents along the cliff top and looked down at the beach and the road next to it.
My grandfather told me that the tiny cars I could see were models that were wound up at each end of the road and sent back again. I beleived this until I was about 9 or 10. I'm stupid

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i usedto beleive that if u went down one of those tubular slides at McDonalds you would keep on going and the slide would never end. I beleived that at the ages 6-8. I still don't go on those slides.

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Until i was about 12 (i know, it's a shame) i thought the movie screen at the theater was just a large TV, and the movie was placed into a regular VCR-just like we did at home. I would wait impatiently until the movie was scheduled to start and scurry to the front row when i suspected an employee would be putting the movie in. I never did find a VCR in the wall anywhere...

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When I was a kid I used to think that the electrical switching station/power plant near our house was a big playground. I really wanted to swing around on all the cables. I didn't understand why we couldn't go through the gates and play in there.

Canary Bird
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When I was a little boy of around 3, my family visited HMS Victory (Nelson's flag ship @ Trafalgar) in Portsmouth. Try as they might they could not get me to go aboard. I remember kicking and screaming in my effort to stop them, I thought we were going to sail away on this very old & unsafe looking ship. I did eventually did go onboard when my older sister told me that Nelson slept in a cot, just like me, naturally I had to see this cot for a grown man!

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In elementary school, my mother was always asking me if i wanted to go to the school sock hop. Our school called their school dances sock hops, as in you are dancing and your feet in their socks are hopping around. I didn't get that. I always believed that they were playing sac racing games where you get in a potato sack and race people. I missed out on a lot.

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I grew up in Winnipeg near Assiniboine Park. This park contains a fancy building, called the Pavilion, with a clocktower with a flag on top, if I remember correctly. At any rate, one time my daycare centre went on a field trip to the park. When we saw the Pavilion, one of the other kids convinced me that the Queen lived there.

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WhenIwould ask to go to the laundry mat with my Mother,she toldme I would be bored. It frightened me because I thought it meant being nailed to a board so every time she went I would cry and beg her not to go.

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when i was little my mother took me to the sydney aqarium, it was all good untill we got to the bit where you go under water and look at all the fish around you, i started screaming and holding onto the edges of the door blocking off all the other people because i thought we actually had to go swimming and get wet.

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My sister told me when I was about six that in order to ride the rollar coaster Space Mountain at Disneyland, you need to get a shot. I vowed never to go on that ride.

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I used to believe that electrical power stations were playgrounds and i used to have tantrums whenever we drove past one caus i always wanted to play on them. now i knoe why mum didnt let me.

Mrs Squarepants
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I grow up in the country and had no idea of what a city was and one day my father said he had to go to the nearest city. I asked what a city was and he said that it was a place where many people lieved together. So, for many years I thought that a city was a very big house.

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Until I was about five, I refused to ride on elevators, because I confused the word "elevator" with "alligator" and I was afraid of being eaten once the doors closed on me.

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I used to believe that I could make the Merry-Go-Round go faster by pushing up or pulling down on the pole. I ofen rode around, waving wildly to my grandma with each passing, straining like a crazy person to whip the carosel into a speeding blur. I remember my grandma smiling back at me. Of course, now I know that she was probably very amused watching me work myself into a frenzy.

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In the 1960's the greater Seattle-Tacoma, Washington state area had many farms. As a youngster I liked to look at the old styled buildings, silos, gardens, animals, etc. However, many of the barns (the gambrel roof styled kind) had their glass windows placed at an angle. Instead of square shaped windows, they looked like diamond shaped windows, (with a cross in the middle of the glass). To me this looked wrong and paranormal. I would have nightmares about being trapped in these barns with the diamond windows and they would collapse around me, or some such frightening scenario. Today when an occasional diamond windowed barn is spotted, (usually in disrepair) I actually get somewhat nervous and there is no way I would ever go inside of one!!

D. Marie
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When I was little we used to go to Florida every summer...Ever since I can remember..One summer when we were there..I was about 5...My parents started talking to this lady and she looked at me and said..."Your very lucky to get to come to Disney world so young...It took me 40 years to get here!" And I just look at her and said.."Why, what did you do? Walk here?" Needless to say my parents were laughing really hard and I still get pick on about that one, 13 years later!

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I used to believe everything my older brother told me. Our pop used to take us with him when he bought his lottery tickets because we liked to look at the old coke cans in the shop window. When i would ask where we were going my brother would tell me we're going to the pub. So i naturally thought the pub was a place where you buy lottery tickets and look at cans. Imagine my teachers surprise when she asked what our favourite thing to do was and i replied "going to the pub with pop and looking at all the old cans"

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I used to belive that if you didn't step off of an escalator carefully, the teeth would grab your foot and pull you down inside it.

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When I heard music playing from above me in a nice restaurant, I used to think that there were multiple bands upstairs in the attic playing songs.

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