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My father is twisted. When we were children, our dad used to take us for Sunday drives around the lake. Every now and then, just to spice up the same old trip, he would pull the car over and announce "Okay, it's time to get out. This is where we found you, and it is time for you to go back!" He would convince us that he found us by the side of the road and that our old Mom and Dad were looking for us.
Whell when i was about 4 we would always drive by a power substation when we would go and get groceries. I thought, living in florida, that the power substation was really an orange juice factory and it sent orange juice to all the houses thru the wires. We still joke about that one. (^_^)
When I was small, I used to be dragged along with my parents to see and Orchestra play classical music. If you've ever seen a really "passionate" musician, you'll know that sometimes they'll make some strange faces while they play. I thought this meant that playing the violin or whatever hurt, and I wondered why no one went up to help hold up the violin because it was so heavy, and they had to hold it up for so long.
When I was a young child around age 3 or 4, my mother only fed me very healthy food. There was never any cupcakes, cookies, or fast food. When we would drive past McDonald's, I would ask her what the place with the big yellow "M" was, because it had always caught my eye. She replied "Oh, thats where other people eat"
A year or so later, a girl from my daycare had a birthday party which took place at a McDonald's with a play structure. I was so excited to be there, I loudly announced "This is where other people eat! Neat!" I approached several customers and asked them if it was any different to be one of the "other people"
No one really understood what I was getting at, and I got many strange looks from people in the restaurant.
when i was about 4 years old, i used to think my mom would be getting french fries from mcdonalds whenever she went to the atm machine while in the car. When she was done getting some money, i would say, "where's the french fries, mom?!"
Whenever we drove past the Jack Astor's, I always read the writing under the logo as "Boy & Girl." I thought that maybe Jack was the boy and Astor was the girl and they founded the restaurant together. I never really questioned why Astor was a strange name. A couple of years later, after finding out I was near-sighted and had gotten glasses, we came across the sign again. I could now see that the sign read:
"Bar & Grill"
A friend of mine, Ola, used to think that if you leave your home (to go shopping or to school ext.) you won't be able to come back, because you won't knowe with one is yours.
Once when i went to a pub called the Forge Inn, I saw a trainee run down the corridor screaming because he'd cut his finger off (not the highlight of my night either), and i thought that they were trying to cook little kids in the kitchen and that one had fought back by biting off his finger and ever since i was affraid of going there... still get the jibblies when i go there now!
And i'm 12!
When I was a young child I thought that the huge statues in the museum came to life at night when the museum closed and they wanted to trap me in the museum with them. I had such a strong belief in that notion that I dreamed about it for many years. The last time I had that dream was when I was in my late teens. I am 51 yrs old now and I can still remember that dream. Silly I know but than again, childhood ain't easy.
When I was 2 or 3 my mom went into KFC and I didn't want to go. So my mom said, "The big man will get you." I pointed at the KFC man on the wall (THE MAN ON THE KFC LOGO) and said, "Is the big man him?" My mom said yes and I ran in!!!!
my sisters once convinced me that people had stuck razor blades in the waterslides at magic mountain (adelaide amusement park), thus slicing up any unwary children. the practicalities of installing razors into the slides whilst sliding down never entered my head, nor did the fact that my sisters continually emerged unsliced. i think they actually just didn't want their little brother tagging along.
my mother and i used to walk to the store behind my house, across some sand dunes on the Navajo reserve, and i used to believe that the shadows cast by a streetlamp on the ripples of sand were holes and that I couldn't get across without her carrying me.
I used to believe that the "Now Hiring" sign in restaurants really said "Now Hurrying" and so everytime we passed such a restaurant I would say "Let's go there because they are hurrying!"
I used to believe that block partys were called black parties because the street is black. So when i was real young i woke up and couldnt find my parents. They were outside. I called 911and told them my parents went to some black party and never returned. Everyone got kick out of that.
at the St. Louis Zoo there are these big brown rocks that are shaped like huge potatoes stacked on top of each other that are around the Zebra and Camel areas. My brother told me that they were grown by the Jolly Green Giant to keep the animals in.
Thanks to Willy Wonka, i thought that if i went to the very top floor in an elevator i would crash right through the roof, and i wouldnt be as lucky to be unharmed.
When I was 10, my family went on vacation and stayed at Circus Circus in Las Vegas. One of the sideshow acts was "Gorilla Girl," where a "scientist" changed a woman into a gorilla. For some reason I was terrified...totally bought into the illusion...especially when the "gorilla" broke her cage door and rushed the stage. I was outside before my poor father knew what to do!
On long road trips(long as in across the river to wal-mart, 5 min. at the most) my younger sister would keep asking, "Are we still in America?" She was about 4-5 at the time.
when i was 5 my mom my dad my sister and me went to disney world. They had theese invisable dogs. And my dad conviced me there were real dog s in there they just needed to be petted by a girl to be seen. So i went up to a little boy and asked him if i could pet his dog so he siad ya (but looked at me like i was stupid) and after i pet the dog he did not appear. And i started to cry.
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