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My family used to go to Asian restaurants a lot, and I always believed the fortunes would come true! So I saved them all and stored them in a cigarrete compartment in our car (no one in my family smokes). That way, when I really needed luck, I could pull one out! I forgot to take them out later, so whoever bought our car must have been pretty surprised...
I always wanted to go to Disney World when I was a kid - and I was so sure this road right up the street from me was the way to Disney World. When we finally ended up going to Disney World, of course, I couldn't figure out why we didn't take that road, and why it took so long to get there... (I live in Ohio!)
When I was little and we'd drive home at night from a family member's house or supper, I always thought the moon was following our car.
When I was a child I believed that Ocean County College in NJ, was located under the pond on Hooper Ave. In the middle of the pond there are some pillars that say Ocean County College. I thought that under that was the access to the college
when i was in summer camp about 8 years old, i had to go in the locker room to change clothes, i tried to go into the locker, but it was to skinny, i used to think you go IN the locker to change.
When I was in second grade we went on a field trip to the zoo, later on that day I broke out in chicken pox, well for years I thought i got the chicken pox from the zoo and wouldnt go back.
i had 2 older brothers who used to tell me awful things. they told me that cow pies were really acid and if you stepped in one it would immediately dissolve your leg. so when we visited relatives on a farm and we were going to walk across the pasture i became hysterical and my father had to carry me so i wouldn't accidentally step in an cow pie and dissolve
I used to believe that the M.D. or PhD after a doctor's name meant that they were doctor's only in that state. M.D. stood for Maryland. I was so proud that we had that many docotors in our state.
when i was young. i always believed that the "no" was burnt out on the 'no vacancy' signs on hotels. i had always kept it a secret that i knew this. till one day on a trip in canmore i finally got tired of all these hotels not caring about there light system so i asked my dad "why are all the 'no's burnt out on the 'no vacancy' signs?" my mom and dad turned around in there seats and began to laugh histerically. once they calmed down they explained to me what vacancy met. it all came together.
My sister used to think that there was an oil well under every gas station that led directly to the gas pump.
when my family would go to mexican restaurants, i would ask my mom how the latin man got into the girl's bathroom to sing his songs....when it was really the music playing in the restaurant.
On friday nights in summer my dad would take me and my brother to a "dairy queen" type of ice cream place. On the side of it was printed in bold black letters on a yellow background "DO NOT BLOW HORN" I used to think if we did, a bunch of thugs would come out of the building and take us inside and who knows what would happen to us after that...
I used to think that when the escalator ends, it is very important to jump over because otherwise it might swallow your legs.
Whenever we'd eat out when I was a child, and I'd hear of waiters or waitresses "waiting tables", I thought it was "weighting tables" instead. I couldnt figure out any connection between "waiting" tables and "waiting" as in patiently waiting for something, so I thought waiting tables must be "weighting" instead. I could figure out a connection there, since after all, putting food on tables DOES add weight to the tables.
The was a big salvation army donation box that was near the longos ner my house and it had a picture of a missing girl on it. So i used to believe that the little girl was trapped for eternity living in the box because she got separated from her parents and that we would drop off my old toys for her to play with.
I used to believe that the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland took you to a dark place and that you were never able to leave if you didn't get off in time since they have that moving platform.
We used to go out to eat a lot when I was younger. When we were finished with our meal and the server brought the check, my parents would start searching for their wallets. When they couldn't find them they would tell us we would have to do dishes in the restaurant's kitchen to "pay" for the meal that way. I remember we got so scared that we would have to do everyone else's yucky dishes! But every time, they "miraculously" found their money just in time. WHEW! I think I was well into my teens before I knew they were joking with us. And now that I'm a server, I love to play this little game with some of the kids at my tables.
My dad used to tell me that, at restaurants, a big burly man with a tatoo on his arm was swirling a huge vat of food in the kitchen. When I asked how the food came out, he said they would stick in a plate and out would pop exactly what you ordered. I believed him until I was about 12. I should have known better, because I watched my parents cook my food for me all the time and they didn't have a huge vat of goo.
I live in a neighborhood called Queen Anne and when I was younger and I used to take walks with my parents I would stop at every single house to try to see if I could see the Queen through the window.
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