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my dad was a member of the lions club (a community servive group) and whenever he went to a meeting i thought him and a bunch of other dads were all in a big circus style ring with whips training lions. i told lots of other kids because i thought he was very brave.
when i was young i once took a trip to disneyworld with my family. when we went on "its a small word" i thought that the singing was the people on the boat singing. i sat next to my dad, who always sings along to everything, so hearing him sing along comfirmed my belief. i though i would get in trouble if i didnt sing so i tried my best, but really messed it up cuz i didnt know the words. i seriously thought the secerity was going to come after me.
When I was a kid I cried every time my mother said she was taking us to Applebees because I thought that all their food was made from apples and I didnt want to eat there.
If I crossed the road without looking both ways and waiting for the cars then they were allowed to run me over.
I used to believe that if I didn't jump off the escalator in time I would be chopped up like mince.
Once I went to to the circus to see a gigantic (about 4 metres) mechanical King Kong it really scared me, (as I have watched the movie before) so up until I was 7, I used to believe that the exhibition antiaerial guns outside the ministry of defense were to shot down King Kong, in case he ever cut loose from the circus.
My mother was under the belief for ages that if you went into Arcades by the sea or whatever, there were big men in there who would inject you with heroin, and you would become an addict. What a nice thing to be told by your mother...
when i was little
i always thought that McDonld's was a 5 star resturant.
My dad and I used to go to the library. On the side of the library was a big yellow sign that said "Fallout Shelter." I asked my dad what that was, and he said it was a place to go in case there was a bomb. I remember being really worried because I knew I could fit behind that little sign, but I didn't think my dad could.
Later it morphed into the idea that there was a tunnel leading from the shelter to the street that came out right behind the sign, and the sign was about 15 feet above the ground, so when you left the shelter you would just 'fall out.'
In some restaurants, the waiter takes your order, puts his piece of paper in a little lift and it goes up or down to the kitchen where they cook it and then put it in the same lift for the waiter to take out and bring to you. I used to think the lift read what was on that piece of paper and, as if by magic, turned it into the food you had ordered.
When I was younger I believed that we had to get on a plane to go to Hollywood because i thought it was an island.
When I was three and went to Sea World for the first time, I wasn't going to see Baby Shamu. I was going to see "Baby Shampoo!"
I used to think that if you went to the end of a road marked "Dead End", somebody would try to kill you.
I used to believe that plays were totally improv, and that people from random places around the room could just run on stage at any given time and take part.
When I was little, I believed mannequins came to life at night. Watching Mannequin and visiting a Madame Tussauds museum were both horrifying experiences for me.
To leave the town in which I grew up you could drive through a tunnel that crossed beneath an estuary, and then came out in the adjacent town. During one of my earliest memories of going through that tunnel, my dad was driving, and as we reached the halfway mark through the tunnel he said, "We're driving under water right now." I thought it was amazing that we didn't have to hold our breath! Also, I remember that there were maintenance doors in the sides of the tunnel, and I imagined that if you opened one of those doors you would see an underwater scene with fish swimming by. Somehow in my imagination, the water didn't just come rushing in through the door and flooding the tunnel.
As a preteen, I believed that a strip club was where patrons actually stripped naked and pole danced themselves, rather than merely watching professional strippers do so.
there was a virtual ride at epcot when i was little. on the ride they "shrunk" you and you and you went inside the human body to try and find the problem for the doctors to help them solve it. well my dad told me that we were actually going to be shrunk and i of course believed him, and would not go on the ride.
When I was little, I went on vacation with my mom to a very far away place (about 400 miles, it seemed very far at the time). My mom and I would drive there and I used to believe that in order to drive anywhere, you had to learn and memorize all the maps at school and it sounded like an enormous task. Little did I know about folding paper maps and especially road signs...
When I was 5, our small town brought in a new PizzaHut to modernize the place. I had never heard of it before, but after I ate there I told all my friends and family about this amazing 'Pizza Hot' restaurant. My parents kept telling me it was in fact called 'PizzaHut', not 'Pizza Hot'. I always got mad at them because it only made sense that pizza was served 'hot'. It didn't make any sense the other way. Whenever we'd eat there I would silently stew about how my parents didn't know anything about pizza. I was convinced that I must be smarter than them.
It was only until after I learned to spell that year that I found out otherwise.
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