going shopping
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It's simple: I thought Dollar Tree was a casino.
So, from a young age I was told gambling was a bad idea, and from the age I was, I thought that the name Dollar Tree referred to all the money you could earn. I later learned it was a dollar store.
When I was a child, I used to believe that mannequins moved around and changed their clothes at night while the store was closed.
top belief!
I used to think that mannequins were real people who had been beheaded. Creepy thought....
I used to think shop workers served their customers by hokding up the item at the counter, and saying 'this will cost you ____'.
When I was young I watched the movie ‘The Great Escape’ with my father and he explained to me what solitary confinement was.
Fast forward and we drove past Society of Saint Vincent de Paul thrift store,
it was an old building and the store was closed with roller shutters covering the doors and windows,
I misread the sign and thought it said ‘The Solitary Of Saint Vincent de Paul‘ and I thought it was an old solitary confinement prison that once held someone named Saint Vincent de Paul.
I used to think small furniture shops were basically cottage converted charity shops.
In recent years, I thought 50 Shades of Grey was just an ordinary book series until I bought one from Ann Summers, cos I hadn't realized it was a sex shop, like Victoria's Secret.
top belief!
I thought the tip jar at the restaurant was so people could give the chef cooking tips for how to cook better.
When I was around 5 years old, I was suspicious of certain mannequins in the department store (the more life-like ones), because I believed that they could move if they wanted to, and that they were experts at standing perfectly still. I remember gazing at one to see if I could catch him moving, even just a twitch. After a moment I gave up, and as I walked past him I believed he was moving his eyes to watch me walk by. Thinking I might catch him looking at me, I quickly turned my head, but by that time he had already resumed his blank expression. Damn! He's too quick. I believed the reason that some of the mannequins had such smirks on their faces was because they knew they were fooling me. I also believed that they furtively communicated across the store to each other by winking one eyelid. That was their version of giving each other a "high five".
When I was younger I noticed that some stores had separate "enter" and "exit" doors. I thought that if you entered through the "exit" door or vice versa, you would get arrested and thrown in jail.
top belief!
When my brother was around 5 years old, he saw a woman in a black burqa for the first time at Walmart and he yelled "Look Mommy!! A ninja!". The woman just laughed and my mom was mortified!
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I used to believe that a strip mall was a mall with people who stripped down naked. This stemmed from a TV show in which a person didn't want to work in one. I thought "duh,who would want to work in a place with naked people?"
When I was told about a wok shop, not knowing the word 'wok', I thought it was actually a 'walk' shop and sold shoes.
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When i was a child, i thought a flea market was where you bought fleas.
I thought that if you didn't jump over the top of the escalator, you'd be sucked inside and would never get out. I blame my dad for this one, cuz he told my brothers and I this little story about a child who stayed on the escalator and got sucked inside and if we heard knocking sounds while on the escalator, that was the kid trying to escape. It gave me the shivers and after hearing that, I always jumped the last few steps.
top belief!
I believed that if an item on the shelf didn't have a price tag, it was actually free, due to the carelessness of the employees. I couldn't understand why my mom didn't want all the free stuff I found on the shelves.
I used to belive that there were tiny people in vending machines that gave you your food.
When I was about 8 I really wanted a Game Boy but I couldn't afford one. At the time, Walmart was using the slogan "Lower prices everyday" and I took the slogan literally: I thought that every day they would lower the price on every item by a few pennies. So I thought that if I waited long enough, the Game Boy would cost only a few dollars and I could afford it easily!
When I was little, Whenever we went to the mall, and went into one of the stores, I would stand up on the displays and stay very still, thinking I would blend in with the Mannequins!
top belief!
I thought change was the store's way of saying thank you.
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