Ice cream vans only play music when they've run out of ice cream
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Ice cream vans only play music when they've run out of ice cream.
When I was little my grandmother always invited me an ice cream cone and it was the best thing we always went to the door of the house and the man passed by in his cart and when the music played it was because there was no ice cream anymore.
top belief!
I used to believe that if the ice cream truck was playing music, it had sold out of ice cream.
top belief!
When I was little, my cousin lived with us. We were six months apart in age. My mother told us that the ice cream truck was actually the music truck and would say "Isn't it sweet how they drive through the neighborhood to play music for you?" It wasn't until we started school that we learned what it really was.
top belief!
My parents told me that when the ice cream van was playing music, it means he's run out of ice cream :(
When I was little, my Mom told me that if the ice-cream truck played music, that meant it was out of ice-cream. I believed her that entire summer.
Due to my mother being a devout nutritionist, I used to believe that the ice cream truck that drove around the neighborhood in the summer was actually a music truck. When I asked my mother why kids would run up to the truck, she plainly stated "They are requesting music."
my mum use to tell me and my brother that when the ice cream man drives around with the tunes on, it means he's out of ice cream and the song is to say sorry.
same for the candy floss man ringing a bell
My friend was told when the ice cream man was playing the music it was because he ran out of ice cream. She believed it for years bless her.
My parents told me that when the ice cream van played its loud music it meant that it had ran out of ice cream.
When i was 3 my dad told me when the ice cream man plays the song, it meant they were out of ice cream.
My mum used to tell me when the ice-cream truck turned on his jingle, it meant they had run out of ice-cream!
I used to believe that when the icecream man played his song it meant he had no icecreasm left! my mother's evil plan
My Mum told me that when the icecream man played his music it meant that he had run out of icecream!
My dad used to tell us that when the ice cream man music goes off, it means he ran out of ice cream. And when me and my brother moved to where aload of kids where and saw them all runnign up to the ice cream man we were all " ooh haha there so dumb hes run out" my dad will never shut up about that lol!
I believed that if the ice-cream van was playing a tune, it was because they had run out of ice-cream. My mum told me this!!
One hot summer day I heard the ice cream truck approaching. I got all excited and wanted to buy an ice cream but my mom said "No, that's not the ice cream truck, that's just the music truck." For the longest time after I thought the ice cream truck really WAS the music truck, sent to provide happy music to people playing outside.
when i was little my mom told me that the ice cream truck was the 'music truck' so that i wouldn't ask for ice cream everytime it came around. i asked why it stopped and people talked to the driver and my grandpa said that the driver stopped to let them listen to the music. i didn't figure it out until i was at a friend's and she yelled 'THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!' when it came around and i was like 'no it's the music truck!' she thought i was crazy.
from Denmark, so the spelling might not be correct...
In Denmark the ice cream truck is ringing. I remember that many parents told their kids, that if it was ringing it meant that the ice cream was sold out.
i used to belive that when the ice cream man played his music he had run out of ice cream.
I used to believe that when the icecream van played his tune, that meant he had run out of ice cream. Thanks Mum...
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