Ice cream vans only play music when they've run out of ice cream
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Ice cream vans only play music when they've run out of ice cream. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to ice cream vans.My friend told her daughter that the icecream truck only played music when they were out of icecream. Another one told her kids that it was the music truck - driving around, just playing nice music for everyone..
My dad told me that whenever the ice cream van played the familiar tune, it signified that they were out of the frozen goodies. I spent my childhood waiting for a van that had some.
My parents told me that when the ice cream van played its loud music it meant that it had ran out of ice cream.
my friends dad told her little brother( he's 8)that when the icecream van has its music on, then its run out of ice cream. her brother beleived it for about 2 years until he saw an ice cream van with music playing giving out ice creams
I was hanging out with a friend 1 day and i heard the ice cream van come round the corner. I had some cash and asked if she wanted an ice cream and she could pay me back later. My friend laughed and said the van music was on. Confused, my reply came as "so what?" in which my friend replied "well, when the musics on there isnt any ice cream left!" i then had to prove it and caused my friends mum a lot of hassle.
My mum always told me that when the icecream van is playing music it means they're out of icecream. I used to be so disappointed that they were always out of icecream when they got to my street.
One hot summer day I heard the ice cream truck approaching. I got all excited and wanted to buy an ice cream but my mom said "No, that's not the ice cream truck, that's just the music truck." For the longest time after I thought the ice cream truck really WAS the music truck, sent to provide happy music to people playing outside.
When I was little my parents would tell me that when the icecream man played music that there was no icecreams left!
when i was little my mom told me that the ice cream truck was the 'music truck' so that i wouldn't ask for ice cream everytime it came around. i asked why it stopped and people talked to the driver and my grandpa said that the driver stopped to let them listen to the music. i didn't figure it out until i was at a friend's and she yelled 'THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!' when it came around and i was like 'no it's the music truck!' she thought i was crazy.
When I was a wee nipper my parents insisted that when the ice cream man played his funky tune, he was actually out of ice cream. :-(
I used to believe (for I was told by my mother) that if the ice-cream van sounded his bell, it meant that he had run out of ice-cream
My Mum told me that the Ice Cream man played his music to let everyone know he had run out of of Ice Cream! Penny Pinching Old Moo! I love her really!
When I was very little, the ice cream truck used to come by my house in the summer. My parents told me it was the 'music truck', and it came by to play music to all the little boys and girls. Naturally, I was heartbroken when my best friend told me that it was actually the ice cream truck. So I packed up my few belongings and 'ran away from home' (walked across the street), sat there on my suitcase for ten minutes, then decided to forgive my mom and dad and came back.
I was quite strange.
My sister used to tell my nephew that if the Ice cream man was playing a tune, it was a sign that he'd run out of Ice cream
To avoid constant pestering for ice creams, my Dad told me that if the ice cream van played its tune it meant that they had run out of ice creams!
My mum told us that when Mr Wippy (the ice cream truck) played his music he was out of ice cream and as he always played when he came down our street I never got one!!!
A friend of mine tells a great story about how when she was little her dad had told her that when the Ice cream van came round and rang his bell, that it meant that he had run out of ice cream. She belived this for quite a while apparently.
when i was a kid my mother told me that when the ice cream man was playing his music he was out of ice cream
When i was young my mom told me that when the ice cream man played his bells and songs it ment the ice cream was all gone. I believed it.
My dad used to tell me that the jingle being played by the ice cream van was to tell people that he had sold out of ice cream for that day! Grrrrrr.
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