i used to believe

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in the street

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when i was younger everytime we went to the parade we would stand on the sidewalk and wait, so i thought that on any given day if you stood on the sidewalk for long enough a parade would come.

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I used to think that the traffic signs saying, "No Parking, $5 Fine," meant no parking unless you paid $5. Then it was fine.

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I moved houses for the first time when I was four and I strongly believed that you traded houses with someone else. I realized it was a lot more complicated than this when we were at the buyer of our house's current house and I told my parents I didn't like their house so we couldn't trade with them.

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the numbering in our street when I was young went even down one side and odd numbers down the other,So i lived at number 3 and my friend lived next door at number 5,we used to think that number 4 was demolished because somone was murdered there...no amount of digging turned up any eveidence though.

marty f
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you know those bags of sand used to hold down the construction horses? well, for some reason i always thought they were filled with poop, not sand. they had that lumpiness to them. i wondered, how do they get the poop in there? does someone hold the bag under their butt when they go poop?

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When I was a young child I used to believe that the cats eyes in the middle of the road were actually lights operated by a man in an underground room beneath the road who switched them on and off whenever traffic drove along the road. I never worked out how he knew the traffic was there so he had to switch them on.

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My younger brother and his friends used to believe that the yellow boxes with flashing amber lights on top of them used in construction sites were tv cameras. They spent hours dancing and singing in front of them.

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The first time I ever saw the Rose Parade on TV the announcer said something like "the floats are all made entirely of flowers." I took him literally. I did not understand that they were DECORATED entirely with flowers. So I wondered for several years thereafter, how the floats were able to move under their own power -- how, in other words, one could build a working engine, tires, and all the rest, entirely out of flowers!

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All the mothers in our neighborhood tried to prevent us from playing in the open irrigation ditch near the main road by telling us that dogs peed in the ditch. Somehow, this was supposed to induce an eeeuuuuw reaction in us.

No, it didn't work. Never had a chance of working with little boys.

Don from Salt Lake City
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As a kid I once asked an adult how all the streetlights knew when to turn on and off. I was told that they were all linked to a clock.

I immediateley imagined each streetlight as having an alarm clock inside it (like the old style bell & hammer ticking ones). But I was told they were all linked to the same clock.

I therefore thought that every streetlight was physically coming out of a MASSIVE alarm clock underground inside the earth, big enough for every streetlight in the world to come out of.

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I believed that all houses came equipped with power, water, and phones.

I believed that families lived in houses, and single people lived in apartments.

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I thought that they built gas stations on top of where the oil deposits were in the ground. That's why the gas stations in my neighborhood were all clustered on corners of the same intersection.

When the big gas trucks would come along, they were filling up their tanker from the gas that was in the ground to take it somewhere else.

Also, when a gas station went out of business, it was because the finished sucking the gas out of the ground so they had to move somewhere else.

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I used to think that if there was a Dr on a street sign, that meant a doctor lived there.

Tim Priebe
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I used to believe that 'Sky Scrapers' were big rakes on pivots, that swayed in a smooth side-to-side motion scraping the clouds.

I have since found out (1980ish) they are just tawdry, vacuous, boring old buildings and in more recent times... Sadly.. suitable targets for terrorist attack..!!
Innocents is bliss

rupert j p burchell
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I used to believe that if you crossed the street without an adult, a giant would kidnap you and eat you. I was scared to death to cross streets after that, with or without adults.

Thank you for that, Grandma.

Matt C
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My dad used to tell my sister, when she was young that the shredded tires from eighteen wheelers on the sides of the highway were road snakes.

David B. Los Angeles
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Whenever I would go for a walk with my grandma when I was around the ages of 4 or 5 I firmly believed that if I ever stepped on a crack in the sidewalk that a police car would come roaring down the street and arrest me for doing so.

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top belief!

As a small child I saw turf on the back of a truck going down the road. I asked my dad what it was and he told me that rich people sent their grass away to be mowed and the turf on the truck was the grass being taken back to their mansions! I believed this until I was about 12 when I asked a wealthy friend whether they did this...

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When I was young and playing out with my best friend, an oldish lady walked past and said hello to her. The same lady would stop and give her treats and always say hello. My friend said the lady was ‘my lady’ (as in, she belonged to my friend) so I just presumed that we all had our own ‘my lady’ who would give us sweets and stuff, and we just had to find our one. I thought that for years until I twigged that this was a friend of my friend’s parents!! Ha ha.

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When I was a little kid, I believed that I would fall through the little holes on the floor of the climbing structure at the playground.

I f my mom told me to jump down to the level with the holes, I would start crying becuase i didn't want to fall through the holes.

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