i used to believe

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in the street

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I used to believe that the "No Outlet" sign on the road near mine meant that there were no power outlets... I thought the little boy that lived down there was Amish...

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My neighbor and I were thoroughly convinced that all old ladies were waiting to steal us. What an ailing elderly women would want with a couple of five year old kids I have no idea. But that didn't stop us from hiding from every one of them that crossed our path

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I used to believe that every street shared the same name.

If you were giving someone directions you would say something like, "Make a left on Cherry Street, then travel 4 miles and make a right on Cherry Street. Then go four blocks down until you get to Cheery Street and I live on the corner there of Cherry and Cherry streets."

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This isn't me, but my mother. As a kid, she apparently thought that if you saw the street lamps turning off, it was lucky.

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When I was a little girl, I used to believe that a body shop was where you went when you were severely injured...like you could get a new arm or leg there.

Robin Crowtalker
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i used to believe that if you walked in the path of a stangers footsteps you would adopt their fortune or miss fortune as the case may be.... how mad is that!

sha from wales
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I used to believe when I was little that when those gas stations had the signs outside that said "Clean Restrooms", that it meant that you had to clean the restroom! LOL

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i used to live on an Armed Forces estate, and their was a Salvation Army store there. I had it in my head that the Salvation Army where a regiment in the Army, up to about 5/6 yrs ago. im 17.

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i used to beleive that there was a man in the traffic lights that changed the colours.until one day i saw a crash where a car knocked over the traffic lights i ran over to see if the man was okay but instead i found metel and wires

lois rules earth (its true)
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At night, while walking along the sidewalk, I would see the reflection of car headlights on the power wires up above. Since they moved quickly and disappeared after a while, I thought I was seeing electricity moving through them.

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As a kid, my brother, sisters and I were told that for a letter to arrive at its destination, we had to say the name of the city and state aloud into the mailbox. Why? Because a very small man waited inside the mailbox to collect and sort the mail, and he needed to know which pile to put it on.

Although I never believed this story, my younger sister did until she was almost 10. My brother and I caught her in the act one afternoon--but she realized she'd been duped when she heard us laughing hyterically. The truth can be cruel.

Shylda Odell
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The Salvation Army building in Crewe when i was growing up had the letters S and V missing from their name on the outside of their building. I thought they were called the Alsation army until I was 14 when they added the letters that were missing. I never could undertsand why everyone else called them the Salvation Army.

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When I was little I believed that the steaming man holes we see in the city, was a direct access to hell. I wanted to go down and visit. #:D

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I thought that when a club had sign out front saying, "no cover." that meant women didn't cover their chests. I was horrifed that one day I would have to go in a club and they would make me take my shirt off.

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Just after preschool we decided to move, and i just couldnt grasp it. I thought that when we moved we would take all our stuff AND take apart our house piece by piece and put it back together at the new location. I didnt understand how we could do it over the weekend. Man am i glad it wasnt like that.

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When I was young, my mother and I lived in a town home. My mother had the bedroom downstairs, and I had the upstairs room that was more like a loft. It only had a half-wall and I could look down and see the rest of the house. Well, across the way was a long, narrow window that stretched across the opposite wall with a view of a fairly busy street (I don't remember if it was a highway of some sort or not). But when I was little I always thought that the world stopped at a certain time. And by that I mean, I thought everyone went to bed at a certain time. I thought that if I stayed up long enough, the cars would stop driving by because everyone would be at home and in bed. I would climb on my bed and rest my head on the half-wall behind it and watch the cars waiting for them to stop. Needless to say, that never happened, and I always fell asleep waiting for it to. My young mind just couldn't conceive the idea that people were up at all hours of the night and morning.

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I used to believe the balls on the wires (for planes to see) were from the circus and that they had accidently left them(sorta like a tightrope)

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We lived on a dead-end street. At the end of the block, there was a sewer drain that ran the entire width of the street. I thought that underneath that part of our street was the actual location of Hell.

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I was just browsing the site, and came upon an interesting discovery. I just found out about two minutes ago, from a belief posted here, that fire trucks actually don't carry the water inside of them. And I'm 19.
Now that is seriously sad!

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When I was around six my cousin told me that the orange balls they put on the telephone wires were there to twist the wires so the squirrels couldn't walk on them. It used to confuse me so much to see the birds land on the wires that the squirrels couldn't touch.

Needless to say I later found out that they're there so the airplanes don't hit them, but still every time I see them the first thought in my head is to look to see if any squirrels are on them.

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