i used to believe

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in the street

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There is a building that I would go past often when I was little, and on the side it says Whale E. Electric with a picture of a whale next to it. Most kids my age thought it was an aquarium with a whale in it, but I thought it was filled with red and blue whale shaped sponges. I have no idea how I came up with that one.

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I used to think that all the buildings with "TO LET" signs were actually public toilets and the letter "i" had fallen off.

Annie May
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My dad used to tell me that he can control the metallic signs on the streets, he turns the high beam of the headlights so the signs reflects the light and appear like they were lighting, then he turns the beam low again to turn them off ! i was 6 back then.

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I always thought that a little person lived inside each mailbox waiting to take my letter to its destination.

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There was a road named "Napp road" and i thought that there were a lot of kidnappings there so i would always crawl on the floor when we had to drive on that road

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I used to think that joggers running through the streets without wearing a shirt or long pants were chasing after the robbers who had stolen their missing clothing. I was pretty concerned about the crime wave that hit our neighborhood every summer.

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Down the street from my house, there's two long mounds in the grass between the sidewalk in the street. When I was little I believed that alligators lived in these mounds. No idea why I thought that.

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We once lived near a drive-in cinema, we could see the screen from our front porch. I never understood why people would pay to see a movie without sound. In addition to that I was frightened to look at the screen in case they caught me watching without paying.

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When I was 5 I believed that large birds would grab you with their talons and fly off like in the cartoons, so whenever I was outside and saw one I would grab onto something. I was somehow convinced that the birds were actually bigger than me.

dan b
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I remember going to see the house my family was moving into. As I was sitting in the car on the way to the house, I started thinking about people moving and for sale signs and the like. I asked where the other people went who were in the house before us, and my parents told me they had moved to a new house too. I didn't know much about money at the time, so logically I concluded that people trade houses.

I could see the full coordination as one family talked to another and arranged what home to go to, and would all move on the same day into thier new place.

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I never wanted to go down a street that was a Dead End. I was certain that there were a bunch of dead people back there waiting for me.

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I used to believe that when people moved, a big bulldozer would physically move their house to a new neighborhood.

Daniel Chang
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When i was little i used t believe that when you would sell you're house to some one you had to move in to their house and they had to move into yours.

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On the way to my old nan's house where we used to go regularly there was a large hotel. My mum used to tell me that it was a childrens home for naughty kids and if i didnt behave i would end up in there. It wasnt until i could read the letters on the front "MOATHOUSE HOTEL" that i knew she was a big fat liar

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I used to think that there were the exact same number of houses in the world as there were families, therefore if you wanted to move house you had to wait for another family who wanted to move on the same day, and you would both swap houses!

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I used to believe there was a tunnel running lengthways underneath the road, along which a man ran along at night switching the ‘cat’s eyes’ on and off.

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My girlfriend and I used to believe, that if u didn't jump off the escalator 6 feet before the end you would be sucked up.

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I used to think that when you put a letter into a postbox that there was a huge conveyer belt underneath that took it to your door during the night. I thought tis because my dad told me when I was 5

London Bob
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I once told my enquiring 5 year old that the birds switched on the street lights as it became dark by pecking the little knobs on the top of them. It wasn't until she was 12 years old (!)that she even considered what I'd said when she asked.... 'how do the birds know when to turn the lights off?'!!! As she said the words she, for the first time, realised how silly it sounded, and what a wonderful 7 years of magic she had quite happily accepted as fact and been believing in all this time.

Kay (Shropshire)
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I used to bellieve that allotments were where you grew sheds.

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