i used to believe

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in the street

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There were two red lights on radio towers, one on the top and one halfway down. I used to believe that they were giant cars driving on their sides and I was seeing there brake lights.

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I always used to think that skinny men lived in lamp posts and that they turned them on at night to keep us safe.

Louise Savory
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My younger brother and his friends used to believe that the yellow boxes with flashing amber lights on top of them used in construction sites were tv cameras. They spent hours dancing and singing in front of them.

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Growing up I believed that once I left my street, I was out of my hometown. I was baffled when my parents would take me a couple of streets down, asking "what town are we in NOW?", and they would replay with a blank expression "We're still in [hometown]."

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I used to think that sky scrapers were large street sweeper like machines that flew trhough the air. Scraping. What for? I have no idea.

I still thought that office workers worked in them though, because my father always claimed to. Giant yellow machines, flying through the air, piloted by men in suits and ties.

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I used to think that 'J walking' meant you walked in the shape of a J. I always used to think to myself 'why on earth would anyone want to cross the road in the shape of a J when they will end up in the middle of the road?' I used to do it just because I thought I was being naughty!

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when I was I child, I used to believe that at McDonald's, they had a list with the toys that they gave to children, 'cause if some day they came back, workers could give them a different toy...

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When we were little, my sister and I were told that if we trod on the cracks in the pavement, then a lion would come out and gobble us up.

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i used to believe that sleeping policemen were dead policemen covered with concrete that were buried in the middle of the road. i used to put my feet up when ever we went over them so that they didnt grab me and pull me down with them.

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When I was little my mom convinced me that little people worked under the road and they change the lightbulbs in the reflectors that look like lights. She said that they live under bridges. I was so scared of going under any type of bridge(over too).

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Whenever we went walking, my mom would tell my sisters and me to "criss-cross" which meant "hold hands with her and hurry up and cross the street before we got hit by a car and smashed flat like a sail-frog." I always did because I'd seen flat frogs by the side of the road that you could sail like a frisby!

small town girl
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i used to belive that the 'to let' signs on houses used to say 'toilet' and that ppl were letting ppl use the toilets in there houses.

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When I was little we lived out in the country around a lot of tall towers with red flashing lights on them. One time we were driving by one and I saw a little building next to one. I asked my dad what the tower was for and he said "It's a microwave tower", so I thought those little buildings were really HUGE microwaves.

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I used to believe that midgets were just really smart babies

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I used to believe that when the sun went down, it accually went into someone's lawn. So, I'd walk around the block at sunset watching for which lawn the sun would go down to. It always seemed like the sun would go into someone's lawn miles away. I used to think that one day in went into my neighbor Keelyn's front lawn.

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i use to believe that if you spit your gum on the street, the next car that passed by whould get stuck to the street.

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I used to believe that when the local Denny's Diner said, "Open 24 Hours" that meant that the waiters all lived at Denny's, without a day off, and only saw family when the family came to Denny's to eat.

Jeanine Miller
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My mom told me when I was about 5 that we were moving. For some reason I thought that meant that big strong men would come pick up the house and move it somewhere else. Before we ended up moving, I wondered how many men it would take to move our house, and where they would put it.

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I used to belief that the bumps on the road around neighbourhoods(to slow cars down)had dead people buried in it...and when I stop believing that, I made my younger sister belive it too!

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Because I grew up with the cartoon "Transformers," I always thought that, when it stormed, the transformer box behind my house would turn into a huge monster machine. I would keep an eye on it, peeking timidly out the back window.

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