i used to believe

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You know how you'll be driving along the highway and see a shoe on the road?
When I was a little girl, I asked my Dad why there were sometimes shoes on the road and he told me in a very sad voice that "somebody didn't look both ways when they crossed the street." That has had me freaked (and looking both ways) to this day, and I'm now 49!

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My mam used to tell me that the colourful patterns that were left in the middle of the road when it rained was fairies washing (it was actually oil). She said that if we walked over it they would have to wash it again. It wasn't till i got older that i realised it was just coz she didn't want us trailing it in the house.

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Every saturday I would go to the post office with my dad and maybe a sister or two to check his box. It was the kind where the back of the mailboxes were all open so the postmen could put the mail in. I was told that little people crawled into the boxes to bring my dad his mail, and he would always say "Thanks." or "How did you like that barbie jacket I brought you last week?" I was so curious that I kept trying to shove my dad's arm away to see the little people, but never got a glimpse before he would shut the door. My older sisters would always giggle, and I would be like "what...what is so funny?".

On my 23rd birthday they decided it was time to tell me to stop looking for Itsy Bitsy Betty and Tiny Tommy.

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I used to believe something terrible must have happened inside of a small house that was across the street from my elementary school. In the front window a table could be seen and on this table were three, playground sized balls. One beach ball and two plastic marbled looking ones. They sat in the same spot day after day. I concluded that the children were murdered and the grief-stricken parents could not bear to put the children's play things away. The incredible thing about this is those three balls stayed on that table for over twenty years! My friends and I were not brave enough to knock on the door and ask about the "mystery." The house was eventually torn down.

beach ball babe
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When i was really little about 2 or three years old i used to think if i didnt jumponto the white lines of the zebra crossing i would fall into a world of nothingness and die.

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When my son was younger, he thought that every house with B & B sign meant that the people who lived there were BAD and BADDER. So everytime we drove past a house with this sign he ducked down in his car seat so no one would see him.

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I used to believe that there was an operating theatre in the toy shop and in my dad's work car park! I'd recenttly been in hospital and the cupboards in both these plasces had similar doors to that of an operating theatre!

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When I was little, I asked my parents what the little conical-like object on the top of streetlights were. Not knowing they were light detectors, they said it was a seagull's refrigerator, seeing as there are many seagulls where I live, and that they need SOMEWHERE to store their food away from others....
I fell for it until I got older, and found out what it really was...

mR. sTrAnGe
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I used to think that when they liquidated a house, they took a bunch of chemicals and pumped the house full of it until it was all soggy and flooded.

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My dad always used to tell me that the small road humps on motorways coming up to a roundabout (UK) where for the benefit of blind drivers.
It took me 3 years to finally realise he was lying to me!

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I used to think that any type of house could be used as a hotel, because of how the restaurant would traditionally be called the 'dining room '.

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When I was a child, I used to believe that there were little guys inside traffic lights changing lights colours with small buttons. One day, I was walking with my mother in the street and I judged that it took too much time and I slamed at the light saying "Can anyone change colours, please?". My mother was surprised and she said to me how a traffic light worked and that there were not a few guys who change colour. I was shocked ;-;.

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When i was little i used to think that every house owned a street light and every time someone turned their lights on in their home, the street light they owned turned on at night and when it wasnt on someone was out of their house. It did confuse me when the lights were kept on during the day.

Chelsea, UK
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i used to believe that public houses were just houses were the public could go and live

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I used to believe that the gate house to a country estate near our home was Red Riding hood's cottage and the trees in the grounds were the wood where the big bad wolf would get me. One day my Mum took me to visit a friend of hers who was renting the cottage. I was really disappointed to find out it wasn't true.

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i used to believe that when you stood on the side of the road and put up your thumb, you were trying to stop traffic to cross the road.

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I used to believe that when you moved house you swapped house with the person moving into your old house.

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My brother told me that Botts Dots, the raised bumps that separate lanes on the highway, were there so that the blind could drive. I couldn't figure out how blind people would know when to stop because they couldn't see stop signs or traffic signals. It was probably 2 or 3 years later when I realized that my mom just couldn't drive in the lane steadily.

Brilliant, Really!
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Everytime I was in the car with my dad when I was little,and we would drive over rumble strips on the highway, he would tell us that there were frogs under the car. I'm 23 and still think of that everytime I go over them.

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I used to beleive that late at night after I went to sleep that the houses in my neighborhood would come to life and play Soccer.

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