i used to believe

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in the street

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i used to belive that every time i drank out the water fountain i would get the water the person before me drank. i don't know how i came up with this but i never told anyone about this strange conclusion!!!!!

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There was a USAF military base near our house and my mom and aunts used to always warn one another and us, "Watch out for the airmen." I had this vision of a huge child-eating alien wearing an astronaut's helmet walking around downtown, and wondered why the government didn't stop it.

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When I was a child, my family often donated old furniture and appliances to the Salvation Army, who would come in a truck to pick up such things. I thoguht they were called the Salvation Army because they salvaged old items like the ones we donated.

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When I was a small child, I used to believe that little gnomes lived inside the lamposts seen in the street. These gnomes would sit at computer consoles inside the lamposts and, when it would get dark enough, simultaneously switch on the lights. They lived there all day, every day and I often wondered how they survived as well as admired them for their demanding occupation.

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I used to belive that when you moved, a big crane picked up your house and dropped it somewhere else.

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when i was little when i saw a plastic bag in the road i always made my parents go and get it so i could take it home and look after it

actually i still do that now!?

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I used to believe that all sewers, if followed long enough, eventually led to Hell. And that if you lifted a manhole cover, demons would fly out.

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I thought that the role of Lollipop ladies was to give out lollies. Shame!

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During a neighborhood sleepover, the woman next door told all the kids that she had gotten lost while camping when she was a child. She ate some berries and wondered into a cave with bats. One of the bats in the cave bit her on her big toe (which was why it looked funny and was double-jointed). At nights she could turn into a bat and spy on all the kids in the neighborhood. For some reason, I was always afraid of that neighbor...

Just a girl
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When i was little, my mom used to tell me that if i got near the street drain the people eater would come out and get me. For years i was scared to death that the people eater would come out and get me.

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I was convinced for years that there was nothing underneath a road, if it subsided you would fall into a huge ocean

big mic
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I used to believe streets that were first names, that's where everybody of that name lived. For example, on James Street, that's where all the James' in my class lived.

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i believed that a disabled parking spot was for people in wheelchairs to come over in there wheelchairs,park them there then stand up and walk where they wanna go lol :D

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I used to think I was allergic to Grass and/or Hay, because when I would roll around in it I would begin to itch and little red bumps would appear.

Allergies or Red-Bugs you decide
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When I was around 3 I remember watching the garbage men come down the street and seeing them throw everything in the back of their truck. I beleived if my Brother and I stood near the front yard they would throw us in there as well. I remember hiding under the front porch every time they came and refusing to come out until they were long gone.

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Really not sure where to put this...

I used to believe that angels lived in the streetlights, because when I walked home after dark so the streetlights were on, I used to squint my eyes so the light went out to all directions and I thought they looked like angels.

Maja, Norway
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I used to believe that getting the right bus to town was pure luck. I had no idea that which side of the street you were standing on decided whether or not the bus went to "town" or to "Plymouth". I thought my mom was soooo adventurous.

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I grew up on a road that had a gravel pit, and there was a sign saying "trespassers will be persecuted". I knew that Jesus had been persecuted , but I'd mixed up / combined that with crucified.... so I never went in there. I didn't want to be nailed to a cross!

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I used to think that the traffic signs saying, "No Parking, $5 Fine," meant no parking unless you paid $5. Then it was fine.

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when i was younger my mum used to tell me and my brothers and sisters about a man who lived over the road from us called the sock-sniffer and she used to say when you walked past him he would steal your socks and sew them onto his jacket.......and i believed her.........o-m-g!!

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