i used to believe

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in the street

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I used to believe that there was a mansion in my neighbor's backyard. They had about an acre of woods, and the noises I thought were coming from 'the mansion' were really coming from some apartments behind their land. I don't even know where that idea came from! :-p

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When I was younger, I used to think my neighbourgh was a witch because she had a big and long nose with a big spot

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I used to believe that if I didn't jump the white lines of the zebra crossing I would die

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Once when I was about 4 years old we drove past a Burger King restaurant, and I asked my dad what the "Home of the Whopper" sign meant. He told me it meant that they make the Whopper sandwiches at home. So until I got old enough to understand what "Home of the..." meant, I thought that the workers at Burger King made the Whoppers at home and brought them to work. My dad was such an ass.

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When I was really young, I was always escaping the house into the yard or street or whereever. My mom had decided the best strategy was to instill fear into me by telling me that if I strayed too far, dogs and cats would attack and kill me, tearing my body to pieces. At the age of 2, I was pretty gullible. (I'm pretty gullible now, but not to this extent.) One day, I was at my cousin's place and we were going up a steep set of old stone steps in the backyard. I was in front and being much younger could not see the neighborhood's meanest cat ("Rusty") at the top of the steps who turned and hissed at me. I remember waking up in my aunt's place with my head supposedly split open. It would be another couple of years before my fear of dogs would go away.

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I asked my dad how the concrete mixing truck would turn by itself and he said there were people inside turning it all day.

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When my father was a child, he didn't know that postmen had to empty the pillar boxes and take the post to a sorting office etc. He thought that when you put letters through the slot they dropped down onto a conveyor belt which took them to where they were going.
Also, when as children they had to say the Lord's Prayer he couldn't understand why they mustn't let anyone lead them into Thames Station.

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I used to believe that when it got dark outside, there was a little dwarf-like man running under the streets switching all the lights on.. Now that I think about it .. He must have been a bloody good runner !!

Andi - B
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When I was 5 or 6 I used to believe that there are huge caverns beneath the sidewalks and streets there were caverns with stalagtites. I think that the holes dug when the city streets where being worked on in the city where I live gave me this impression.

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There's a flag pole in the square down the street from my house and I used to think God had a chair on top of it where he'd watch over all of us

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When I was a kid, I used to believe that after I crossed a street, I had to hurry past a certain point on the sidewalk (like the next crack or a mailbox) before I heard a car pass behind me on the street, else the speeding car would chop off my foot at the ankle.

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I used to believe that nobody could see me if I was naked outside in the snow because I would blend in.

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When I was little my road was frequently covered in tar. To keep me from playing in it, my mother convinced me that tar was perminant. It never came off. Ever. I decided to give myself lots of tatoos.

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my big brother and his friend Once told me when I was about 5 that if you didn't hold your breath while passing a grave-yard the Dead guys would come and haunt you.

To this day it is a tradition for me my big brother and my other brother youger than he first one but older than me, to hold our breaths while passing a grave-yard. Because of my best friend I now hold my breath while passing over bridges, and I put my hand on the ceiling of the car while passing Under a bridge. I am 10-years old.

Remember mousey Mouse, Bird brain, Dog ditz and the others? Well I am all of them and I know have an official name for this. Psyco chicken girl.
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when i was 4,i believed that escalators did'nt use a belt.There where people under build more and more steps((im 10 so you might as well delete this))

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my uncle had a woods behind his house, and he told us this story about how the woods used to be where school kids would play and loose toys and stuff, and after every really good rain the "treasures" would get stirred up from the dirt! so we would always go out into the woods and come back with keychains, toy matchbox cars, necklaces bracelets, and so on. we believed this from the time we could walk until about age 13-14 around there lol!

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After getting foodstuffs and drinks from the 7-11, my brother and I would hang out in front of the store, taking our sweet time enjoying them right in front of a big NO LOITERING sign. That's 'cause we thought loitering meant the same thing as littering and we always threw away our trash in the cans.

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When I was little, we once drove past a Jack in The Box and my sister told me that at exactly noon, Jack((you knwo the guy with the white face and the yellow hat?)) would pop out of the box on top of the big tall sign. I believed her til I was about 8 to 10 years old.

confuzled little kid I was
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When I was little my mom told me that the balls on electical lines were put there so that when there was a big flood the electrical lines would float. I believed this since the only time I had seen them was on electrical lines that were over a bridge.

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In Britain where I live, the main feature on ordinary postage stamps is a picture of the queen's head. Once when my mother had a letter which she was going to post, I drew a picture of the queen's head on it. I didn't understand why she said that was no good and we needed a proper stamp.

Alan (England)
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