i used to believe

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in the street

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My gran told my mum that when you were anywhere outside people are watching you wherever you go, in houses and shops. She used to find it amazing and used to look around everywhere when walking down the street!

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I used to think the landmark church in my local area was always changing location, like the moon, because you can see it from so many different places!

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I used to think you could drown in a car wash if you opened the door or window and let the water flood in.!!!!!!!!;/????./?./!!!

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I used to think that all hotels had a secret passage leading to the bar, especially the ones underground in the hotel basement.

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I was told that petrol stations drew fuel from directly out of the ground. When the fuel ran out they had to close down.

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I had a dream that I confused with real life that an umbrella could keep me aloft for a very long time while walking down the street (we're talking like twenty feet.) I'm pretty sure I tried while awake and just thought there wasn't enough wind.

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I used to believe our neighbors were royalty! They were very poor by todays standards but they had running water in their house, an indoor toilet, a tub, telephone and a furnace! We had to get water from a well, heat from a wood burner in the center of the home, we had an outhouse and I took a bath in a big washtub! I'm only 45 so it wasn't that long ago! :)

Linda Harms
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When I was a child in the car with my folks and we would pass by a building that said "body shop" I did not realize it was for car body repair and thought it was for people.

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I used to believe that the gas station was the bank, because when my mom pulled up to the tank, she'd say, "Give me 20."

Jen O.
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Our church had a charity drive to collect clothing for the poor. My mother bought a pair of mittens to donate. I asked her, "But what if the person who gets them lives somewhere where it's not cold enough to need mittens?" She explained that these clothes were all for people right there in our town! I had no idea that there were poor people so close to us - I thought they all lived in faraway countries, like on the "Save the Children" commercials.

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When I was about 10 to 15 I thought that if I weaved back and forth when I walked, that if someone shot at me, they'd have a better chance of missing.

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I used to believe that when you posted a letter ina letter box it would go striaght in the front door if whever you sent it to

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When I was small, I believed that when you posted a letter in a letterbox, it travelled from there in an underground pipe to the Post Office or to its final destination.

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I'm not quite sure why I thought this, ut I did. I thought if you walked over a bridge in a cemetery, you had to fold your hands as if you were praying or it would break...

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My mum once told me Jack from the poem Jack and Jill was a naughty boy because in my nursery rhyme book the picture showed them holding hands. I gasped at everyone i saw holding hands after that, for about a year!

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When I was little I thought that pedestrians were people from another country that got their own special crosswalks.

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When I was little I used to believe that the green electricity substation boxes that you sometimes see on street corners were "where they keep all the dead mice!" When asked why I thought that I said "Well they've got to put them somewhere!"

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when i was a little girl my mom used to tell me that if you walked over the drains in the ground in parking lots you would fall in. i believed her untill i was 9 and finally built up the bravery to walk over one.

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When I was small, my father and I passed a massage parlor. I read the sign and informed my father that when I grew up, I would go to massage parlors all the time because I really liked massages. He laughed for a while, then explained that people go to a masseuse for a massage, not a massage parlor.

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I thought when i was a kid, that all mailboxes had tubes that brought your mail to the person u sent it to.

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