i used to believe

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in the street

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I use to believe that in the gutters down my street lived alligators. My brother and I would go out there every single morning and feed them bread crumbs because we were afraid if we didn't feed them they would come and eat us!

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I used to believe that if you stepped on the cracks of the pavement, a bear would jump up and eat you.

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"Step on a crack, you'll break your mothers back". I was always looking down at the sidewalks to be sure I didn't step on a crack. Must have gotten one, because my mom did break her back(cracked disk) when I was 10. I was devastated, but she then told me it wasn't my fault and that was just a fable.

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I thought all the streets of every city connected to each other. So if you started on Main St in New York, for example, you could keep walking through to Main St Chicago, Main St Denver, and Main St Los Angeles.

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On sunny days, sometimes the pavement sparkles. I used to think that maybe one day I would find a real diamond in it, so I should keep looking very carefully at the sidewalk whenever I walked. My mom told me it was pretty unlikely, but I figured it was worth looking, just in case!

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when I was in the second grade, there was no busing if you lived in the city and I used to have to walk about a mile to my home. there was a sign on this one street I used to have to walk on and there was a sign that said "speed meter ahead" I could read but had no clue what a speed meter was but it sounded like something I did not want to see. So I would always take a detour around that street.

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I used to believe that every time I saw a "To Let" sign, for example on a patch of land for sale, that it was a toliet advertisement but they had lost the "i". I was very confused when driving to my grans one day which was a 40 minute journey through the country that we passed thirty three toilets!!!

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i used to think that i lived in the basement of my town. there was a hill that went so far down i thought it actually we went below the town to its basement.

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whenever i saw a 'to let' sign outside a property i used to believe there was a toilet for sale, and marvel at the large numbers of adults who had difficulties spelling such a simple word!

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One day a long time ago, I asked my dad what those big towers with the flashing lights were there for (radio towers). He said they build them up and put the flashing lights on them to keep airplanes from running into them. He didn't tell me anything else, so I believed they were just there as an obstacle course for planes or something.

Josh Y.
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I used to think that the sign on the side of the road that said, "Stop Ahead" meant someone had their head in the road and you had to stop so you wouldn't run it over. My first day at school when the school bus picked me up at the bus stop...I started yelling "Stop! There's a head!" I couldn't understand why the bus driver didn't stop and then started laughing when I tried to explain why I had asked her to....

Jen Lanphear
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When I was a kid we had a neighbor called Old Man Sam, and if you stepped on his lawn he would chase you away because it was private property. So I thought Private Property was some kind of special designation he had gotten from the city.

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To keep us out of the empty corn silos when we lived in the country, my Mom would tell us that if we stepped inside, the ground would fall away from us. I still feel strange if I go near an empty corn silo.

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I used to believe that there where little mice the the street lights that turned them on and off.

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I used to believe when you moved house they took your house out of the ground and strapped it to a car so you could take wherever you wanted to.

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One day i was riding my bike around the neighboorhood and i saw a police car, i thought that it was going to arrest somebody, I thought that it didnt matter if the siren was off or on. so i followed the police car with my bike and it pulled into the drive way. I wated hours and hours expected the policeman to come out and arrest somebody. It turned out that that was where the policeman lived...

Jake Billy Smelly Fart
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i used to think that there were little men and woman who lived in street lights and that they turned them on and off. If a street light was broken i thought the little people moved out or were visiting other little people

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In the UK, we have "Jet" petrol stations, I used to think real jets were there, so when I went past them, i covered my ears because I thought it would be really loud

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When I was little I used to think that if you wanted to move house you had to find someone that wanted to swap their house with yours.

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When I was a child, I used to belief bridges were actually part of a separate road system that only the rich people could drive on.

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