i used to believe

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I used to think that radio towers that have the huge white satellite round things was where the band would play from and the drummers would drum on the satellites(they looked like drums)

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I used to think that if you were still in the park when the gatekeeper was about to lock up in the evening, he would come along with a megaphone and tell everyone to leave, like when the pool attendants say everybody out when you go swimming.

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I used to believe that the cars of the future could fly.

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One day when I was nine or ten, my older brother and I were walking on the beach and the beach was filled with condominiums, he pointed at the condominiums and told me that they are condoms and that condom was short for condominium. At the time, I didn't know what a condom actually was but I did know exactly where babies come from.

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I used to think the old lady next door was a wicked witch who would scare me if I was in the garden alone, because she was a bit of an old dragon, and was too scared to go in the garden alone when she was there.

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I used to think being on holiday meant that you were moving house temporarily, like with a change of address.

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I used to think that handicap parking spaces were pointless until my dad told me that they’d always be put closer to the building so they can access it easier

Your mom
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if you stepped on a crack you married a rat, and tho it was not true i still would not step on any cracks on the pavement!

Lia I
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I used to think that when you poster a letter in a letterbox it would go straight to the person you sent it to.

Until now I have never thought about this but now of course there is E-mail Spooky eh?

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When I was little I could never understand why the petrol company ESSO was pronounced the way it was. I always thought it should have been pronounced e-ess-ess-o!

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When i was about 5 i thought that evil alian monkeys lived under the sidewalks. i would see if i could hear them talking about taking over the world.

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when i was little i used to think that the garbage men would kid nap me.. i ran away from then until probebly grade 9

~scared of garbage...?
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When I was little I had this odd habit when I walked outside. If I stepped on a crack with one foot, I had to stop on another crack in the same spot with my other foot. Everything had to be even, or I believed I would get back luck. Needless to say, walking with me was annoying. ;)

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When I was about six i always thought that if someone was moving they were going to trade houses with someone else that was moving. Then i had the question, what if no one else was moving? Who would they trade with?

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I used to believe that semi trucks were cement trucks, and that actual semis were just big trucks.

Joe Schmoe
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I used to think 'To Let' on disused office buildings meant they were big toilets.

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I lived in the same house until I was twenty, so I wasn't familiar with the process of moving. I used to believe that people who moved had to swap houses with each other. It amazed me that so many people wanted each others houses!

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My mum used to call road humps sleeping policemen when I was younger, and so I thought that when policemen were tired they used to burrow under the road for a little nap. I even used to give the ones on my road special waking up calls, and was very angry with them for not waking up

hungry cannibal
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when I was a kid and saw a van drive past that were a firm of shop fitters - I always read it as shop lifters & wondered why the Police didn't go after them

(It still catches me out sometimes)

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My Mom convinced me that those black things that stretch across a road to monitor how many ppl drive on the road...where actually people's garden hoses that they stretched across the road to flatten them out cuz they didn't want to wrap their garden hoses up in circles anymore. And the reason they were black (instead of green) was because the tires and road were so dirty.

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