i used to believe

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in the street

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The neighbor kids told me that if you stand too close to a cement truck while the back is turning you would get sucked up the chute.

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I used to believe that my neighbour across the street was a kidnapper and had all of my friends convinced of this also. He drove a massive Kenworth truck and I believed he stole children and kept them in the trailer end as prisoners. It got to the point where we'd hide under the coffee table or behind curtains when he arrived home from work every night. From then onwards I became paranoid about big trucks and shut my eyes when they went past at night with all the lights running down the side of the trailer. When my dad (who was friends with this man) found out what was going on he told me off for making up such rediculous stories. I honestly to this day don't remember making this up at all. The story just kind of appeared from no where.

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When I was little, my dad told me that the paddock things in the middle of the road (they're actually for crossing) that have grass in them were used for keeping bulls in!!! I beleived him until recently.

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When I was little, my dad would tell me that if anyone ever tried to kid-nap me, all I had to do was try to get under a street light and they would let me go. I didn't understand his sarcasm so I really believed that if that ever happened to me, all I would have to do is get under a street light and I would be ok!

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I often wondered what No Outlet meant when we would go driving down new neighborhoods. Where did these people get the electricity from? I don't get it? How do the lights go on in the house?

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My sister and I used to believe that the power polls were monsters, so on road trips we would dive behind the backseat, while my brother protected us.

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when i was little.. i used to try not to step on the cracks.. cause i seriously thought i would break my moms back.. it was sad.. still to this day i am parinoid i try not to step on cracks in the sidewalk
it is sadd

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I have a cousin who has mental problems because of natural causes. But when I was a kid I used to think one of his neighbors threw a rock at his head which damaged his brain. I would frown at them every time I saw them.

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when i was younger i used to believe that if i step on the lines of the tiles i would die

arouf gangsta
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My mom never thought twice about expanding on my already vivid imagination. One particular story I'll never forget was one that involved little men who lived in lamp posts, a bit like lighthouse keepers. They controlled the street lamps and on darker days, they were always "around" to protect me on my way home from a friend's house. Their little doors, regardless of the advances in technology, can still be seen on the side of lamp posts.

Belinda Brummer
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When younger, on certain days of the week I used to wake up to the sound of the World turning around. A kind of faint whirring sound. It wasnt til I was a teenager that I realised the noise was coming from the local Go-Kart track !!

Jackie Corps
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I used to believe that a big monster would come round the corner and eat me if i stood on the cracks in the pavement

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I use to think that the salt silos next to the highway were houses of worship. my grandfather told me about the salt but I was convinced they were where people prayed to the salt lords - I was a dumb kid.

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I used to believe that when a family moved to another house, that the family living in the purchased house would move into the first family's house, i.e. a house swap. I wondered at the cooperation of it all.

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I used to believe that it was warmer during the day than at night because more people were about.

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My parents always told me at night the sticks we had played with throughout the day turned into snakes..

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i used to believe that the cats eyes in the middle and side of the road were real cats eyes and that there was a special blind cat home.

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that the bears which live in the cracks between paving stones are Russian

jonah fonder
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I used to belive that if I didn't duck when going under bridges they would hit me.

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I used to believe (Thanks to my crazy uncle...) that the sidewalk dissapeared at night (the area near my home didn't have street lamps)

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