i used to believe

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I moved houses for the first time when I was four and I strongly believed that you traded houses with someone else. I realized it was a lot more complicated than this when we were at the buyer of our house's current house and I told my parents I didn't like their house so we couldn't trade with them.

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when i was younger everytime we went to the parade we would stand on the sidewalk and wait, so i thought that on any given day if you stood on the sidewalk for long enough a parade would come.

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When I was at school some kids used to come from a nearby village on the waterfront. When they went home at night they told us the were going to play on the wreck. I always imagined that this was some old abandonded ship, maybe a galleon or something. Years later I realised they were going to meet at the rec - short for recreation ground - where they would play on swings and slides and in the park.....

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i was told as a child if you stepped in a puddle you'd fall through to hell----how cruel is that, thanks mam!

leanne mcentee
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When I was a kid I thought that the neighborhood watch sign (of the black figure with a trench coat and hat, saying keep out) was actually a picture of a cat. I thought it was saying that the neighbors should not have any cats because there were too many dogs in the neighborhood.

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I used to believe that I could find a route to ride my bike
to my friends house that was all down hill. Maybe this
was not so far fetched, but I also thought, if I tried really hard,
I could also find a route to coast downhill ALL THE WAY HOME!

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When I used to see buildings with the To Let sign outside I thought it meant Toilet and the "i" had fallen off =o)

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I watched a documntary with my parents discussing "sludge" that aired on 60 minutes. Throughout the program they showed footage of large trucks pushing the sludge around. For whatever reason, throughout the program these trucks were backing up to push the sludge around. Well, when big trucks back-up, an identifyable alarm sounds to alert anyone behind truck . . . "beep, beep, beep." I was convinced that this sound was the "sludge alarm" (like a tornado alarm) and that you had to run away or be buried by sludge.

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I lived in Caerau(Ely)Cardiff until I was 7,but when I came of school age (5) the local catholic school was in North Ely(St Francis) which was a bit of a walk.This was the early 60's so my mother took me for the first few days & then it was deemed quite safe to go with the rest of the kids.There was a shop near my house called "The Hilldip".Anyway after school one day me & my friend,yes I'll name him Peter Cook,were walking home through a gully & I got bit by a dog,he told me(and we are both 47 now) that I would be dead by the time I reached "The Hilldip" I was 6 years old and I walked all around Ely that afternoon just to avoid that shop,just to stay alive,I live in another part of Cardiff now & so does Peter but the times I've driven past "The Hilldip" & shuddered,by the way Peter Cook still thinks its quite funny

Stephen Tyte
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Whenever my family took car trips when I was young, I believed that instead of the car moving, the world would move for us instead...
I was a very egocentric child.

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I always belived that when someones house was toilet papered it ment that the person living there was getting married.

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i used to believe the traffic reports i heard for the first year i lived in albuquerque were using "the big eye" adult store on the far edge of town as a traffic reference point, not the main intersection of interstates 10 & 25

jennie kay
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When I was young, I used to think that there were little men who lived in the traffic lights and had to manually change the lights so people knew when to go and stop. One little man would flip the green switch, one the yellow, and one the red!

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I moved to MA from D.C. at about 8 after my parents split up. We sold our house and moved into a 2 family house...we lived upstairs. Near our neighborhood were some goverment funded two family homes known as "the projects"
Well I thought it was totally cool to live in a 2 family home cause then you automatically had kids to play with from downstairs. So when we went back to D.c. to visit I proudly told my father and grandmother that "I live in the projects!" They were both horrified and my dad insisted on sending my mom extra $$$.

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When I was real young, I believed EVERYONE had an apple tree...as at every house we lived at, we had one in our backyard. My brother informed me otherwise when I was 5.

Gail Baake
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I used to believe that jay-walking meant crossing the street diagnally.Every time I crossed the street(any street)I would look all around,paranoid.I thought someone would come and arrest me.I Thought I was so clever and cool."Look at me ,crossing diagnally.I'm so bad ass".

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My dad used to be a helicopter pilot for film & television production so everytime I saw a helicopter, I thought they were looking for people to put on T.V.

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I used to think that double yellow lines painted onthe road were actually pipelines of honey for bears that lived underground.

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I used to think that if there was a Dr on a street sign, that meant a doctor lived there.

Tim Priebe
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I used to think that there was a highly complex underground tube system that connected public mailboxes around the world - once you popped your letter into the mailbox, the underground system would figure out where it's going and pop it out on the other end.

I thought the mail man was only for private, home mails only...

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