i used to believe

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I grew up in Southern California. Where there are palm trees planted all over the place. Many streets are lined with palm trees on both sides for miles. I believed for years that if you followed any of these streets that you would end up at the beach. No matter what.

Marisol Torres, UT
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When I was 4 years old, me and my 11 year old sister were playing near the window when a brown UPS truck pulled up to our house. She told me "Hide! Hide! Dont make any noise! They come here to steal children!" For years afterwards I was always on the lookout for that evil UPS truck.

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Shortly after reading "Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel", my family traveled to New York City, where my brother explained that the steam pipes rising up from the pavement were from the steam shovels that had dug the skyscrapers, and had subsequently been paved over. I felt so sorry for all those poor, trapped steam shovels! He reassured me that they got out when there was road construction...

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I used to think that the eye symbol on the Neighborhood Crime Watch signs was a toilet lever, and that it meant some kind of motto like 'Help Flush Out Crime'

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my parents convinced me that ewoks lived in the forest behind my house

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There was a road that ran off mine where my parents friends used to live, Reg and Maureen. I once asked my dad what the road was called and he insisted it was Reg And Maureen Road, and as I couldn't read those words I believed him. The next week I had to write a postcard with my address on it, and I wrote Mum And Dad Road as I thought everything worked like that... I was confused when I realised my next-door-neighbour would call our road something different.

Stupey Girl.
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weii this isn't my belief....its my cousins.you see my parents used to tell that the meanig of ATM was "Another Trouble Maker" as a joke. My younger cousin(she's 4) believed it and one day when younger cousin andi went for a walk, she pointed at the ATM machine (someone was standing there)... oops

haych sqyare
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Once my cousin told me that a Robber lived across the street from her. I thought Robber was the name of a man. I would always look for him, see a man, and think," I wonder if that's Robber."

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I used to believe there was a little man who turned on all the stret lights at night, i used to wounder how he did it so quickley!

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I live in a neighborhood with stranger security watch.(if an unidentified vehichle or person came, we would have the right to prosicute them.) back then i thought "prosicute" meant "exicute," so every time i saw a vehichle that i didn't recognize, i thought somebody would charge at them with a big ax, trying to cut off their head.

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I used to believe that if my foot touched the cracks in the sidewalk, that I would fall through!

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When I was little my brother told me that the electrical towers where dinosaurs...So every time I passed the towers, I would scream and tell my dad to drive faster.

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When I was a child, I saw a video of a building falling down and I really believed that ALL buildings fell down. A few years later we went to a city with lots of tall buildings and I was terrified because I was convinced that at any minute they would fall down. I was also confused that all the foolish people walking on the streets and driving in the cars wouldn't the least bit afraid.

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you know how there are used car lots with cars outside with the year of the make of the car on the front of them?? well i thought that was the price of the car...i couldn't figure out why someone didn't want to pay only 92 dollars for a car

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I used to believe that if you crossed the street without an adult, a giant would kidnap you and eat you. I was scared to death to cross streets after that, with or without adults.

Thank you for that, Grandma.

Matt C
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When I was a young child I used to believe that the cats eyes in the middle of the road were actually lights operated by a man in an underground room beneath the road who switched them on and off whenever traffic drove along the road. I never worked out how he knew the traffic was there so he had to switch them on.

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When I was 2 or 3 I used to believe that, when you mailed a letter, it went down a chute under the mailbox and was somehow (pneumatically?) whisked into your mailbox at home. When walking along the street with my mother, I used to peer under mailboxes, looking for the chute.

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I used to believe the 'To Let' signs on buildings meant there was a tiolet there

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when i was little i used to be a hardcore ninja turtles fan (actualy i still am at the age of 20), and i used to believe that whenever there was smoke comming out of the manhole from the sewers it was the ninja turtles cooking some pizza. man did i ever want to go eat pizza with the ninja turtles.

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You know those big green electric box things? They have a sticker on them, showing a person being electrecuted by this scary looking thing. When I was little, I thought there was a monster in there because of that and the sticker was a warning that it was there. There was one outside our apartments and I'd be scared to be near it. It always hummed and I thought that was the monster....

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