i used to believe

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my dad told me that the ticket dispensers in car parks were staffed by people with dwarfism as they were to short to get any other jobs and if you looked really carefully in the ticket slot you could see them in their protective booth!

Clare Readman
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I used to believe that street lights had genders and personalities.

Because street lights come in differently designed poles and lamps, I always imagined lights in one neighborhood being happy, lights in others being sad, ecstatic, disgruntled, surprised, tranquil, etc. Depending on the pole, the light would be either male, female, or sometimes unisex.

Mr. Semaj
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That nothing existed underneath roads - only 'outer-space'

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If you drive through Texas, there are random little brick buildings along highways with big fans on the back and a chain link fence around them (still not sure what they are for, though).

When I was little, I asked my mom what one of those buildings were. She said, "That's where they take animals and put them to sleep."

It wasn't until I was **19** and driving past that same building that I noticed what the building said. Animal Shelter.

It just so happened to look exactly like every other little brown brick building on the side of the road with the fans that I had really initially asked about. I didn't realize they weren't the same until almost 3 years ago. Those buildings always scared me.

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I used to believe that all English fire trucks all had their own individual names!
What made this even more special was that i was forever seeing the same one, embarressingly it wasn't untill my now husband pointed out that "DENNIS" was in fact the name of the company that made them!!!!!!<---CRINGE-------->

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I use to think whenever we drove past property that had signs saying "commercial property", that was where commercials were made.

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When I was little my dad used to take my younger sister and I to the Rose Garden in Marquette Park in Chicago. We'd roll up our pants and jump into the fountains, collecting quarters that my dad pointed out which mysteriously seemed to keep appearing in whatever direction we were walking. We believed the people who ran the city of Chicago put them there for our benefit, because they knew our family needed the money. I remember once feeling incredibly charitable by offering my dad a couple of the quarters I'd found. It wasn't for years until I realized he'd been the one dropping them for us.

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When I was little I used to see *angels in the sky* going about their business or just acting out plays. As it turned it, they were just the screens of drive-in movie theatres which were so pronounced against the evening sky. How comforting it was to see my *angels out.*

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my father used to tell me that fireworks were discs shot in the sky, then some army or soldiers shoot the disk. when bullets hit the disk, it explodes and make this light and sound.

hashem el-sayd
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At night, if you look up at tramlines, the light from car headlights etc reflects on them - my son used to think that this was the electricity flowing through to our homes!

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i use to believe at night that indians were coming down my street pounding on there drums i could actually hear them!!

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i use to believe that when walking down the side walk if i were to step on a crack i would break my mother's back

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When I walked home from school, I made sure I never stepped on a crack in the sidewalk. I believed in that if you step on a crack you break your mothers back.

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I used to think that when I stepped on one of those lawns with a sign on it (because it had been sprayed for bugs, but i didn't know), i'd be poisoned.

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when i was about 4-6 my uncle told me that if i went on those city weigh scales that it would blow up and i'd die, it wasnt till i was about 12-13 and i rode my bike over it too see if it was safe, it was, so now when im going that way, and not driving, I take a jump off it.

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My sister used to think that the black and coloured spots of old gum on the side walk were people who had been smushed into the cement.

itsybitsy teenyweeny yellowpolkadotbikini
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i use to believe there we small people in the street lights and turned on the lights at night

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When I was little I used to believe ... that Homeless people were big rats that wanted to eat you.... man I was demented

Mia Torilla
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when i was younger we where going to move house , and i believed you just picked up your house, and plonked in somewhere else because it needed moving.

strong woman house mober
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I thought thyat the big bags of laundry that I would see on the tops of trucks [I think the company was National] was money, like the armoured cars, and if they fell off, you cuold keep it.

Jean Lewis
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