i used to believe

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in the street

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When I was young I used to believe that cats eyes (the road kind) were lit by little men on bikes holding torches. The men supposedly rode in tunnels under the road and had very quick minds as they could tell which way you were going to turn every time!

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When I was little, I thought that when you put a letter in the blue mail boxes that it went directly to the post office.

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cooling towers
I was told that they were used to boil up old bones to make glue - I believed this for years ( and deep down what you are told as a child has a habit of sticking!)

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When I was a kid growing up, I would never step in a whole in the ground because I thought you would fall throught the earth.

~Silly Kid
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I used to believe that a house down my block was haunted. Me and my friends would always daringly walk up to the door and peek through the mail slot and run away. One time we did it and got a good look inside, and then heard a high-pitched screaming sound, panicked, and ran away. I still don't know what that noise was.

I work at the Baqi bank~
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I once believed that if you stepped in wet cement that you had to take off your shoes and socks and put your barefeet on a warm surface

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My dad used to work for a concrete company. We drove by some new buildings that were near completion, and dad told me his company helped build those buildings. He said their truck came and made the foundation, which was the part, under the building, that held it up. Even now, I still imagine a back-hoe type truck under the ground, holding up the building.

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I used to believe that there were crocs in the sewers

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When I was about four, I was always being babysat by my mother's friends. One of them lived right on a street. I would never, ever looked up the street because I was convinced that Godzilla and dinosaurs would be fighting up there. -_-;;

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When I was a child, I misbehaved occasionally. My mom used to say that if I misbehaved again, the garbage collectors would come and take me away. Since their trucks were big and made that whooshing sound, you can understand why I was quite spooked.

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When I was a kid, my parents never used to go to Chevron gas stations. So for some reasons, I always associated them with making "gas" medicines such as Kaopectate.

Pat Splat
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When I was little, we use to live on a corner and my older brother and sister used to tell me to go work the corner. I actually thought it meant work on the corner, so I would get my little nail kit and go out there and work until my mom would come home and yell at them for having me out there again. Siblings can be so cruel!

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I used to believe that there were elfs in the sewer that picked out all the trash and dirt out of the water to make it clean again.

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When garbage trucks would pass by my friends and i would run away. We believed that the big thing that comes down to pick up trash cans would pick up children too. We feared we'd be kidnapped by a trashman lol.Well,It could happen....

Catie C.
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I live in a block of flats, and we have two elevators. I once was really afriad of elevators (actually, I still am ^^') and I always got freaked out when I had to use one. But I still liked one of them and I named it Baneczek. And I would always talk to it (in my thouhgs, thank God!) when I was inside. I told it that it was a pretty, nice lift and that I like it sooo much. I did that becouse I believed thad if the elevator won't like me enough, it would fall.
And still, although I'm 17, when I am in a lift and one of my friends says sometging mean, like "Move already you stupid elevator!" I always get scared and go like "Are you mad!? Never insult an elevator that you're in! God elevator, we love you..." Really, I actually do that. Take my advice and never insult a livt! For me it worked - it never fell ^^.

Maja ^_^
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my little sister used to thinkthat sky scrapers were just for decoration.

wacko zacho
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All the mothers in our neighborhood tried to prevent us from playing in the open irrigation ditch near the main road by telling us that dogs peed in the ditch. Somehow, this was supposed to induce an eeeuuuuw reaction in us.

No, it didn't work. Never had a chance of working with little boys.

Don from Salt Lake City
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It took me a loooong time to realize that you had to go to the post office to mail a letter. I had always thought you just had to leave anything you wanted to mail in your mailbox and the mailman would pick it up for you at the same time he dropped off your new mail.

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I used to think under the manholes aliens and crocodiles and snakes and stuff would live under there, and if you stepped on the manhole one said beasties would pop up and drag you in and eat you or turn you into a beastie too. I managed to convince my little brother so, and everytime we go skating or for a walk, he avoids going even close to a manhole. He thought they eat the dog one day when he stepped on the manhole.

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I had a sister 4 years older then me and one time on a walk, she had me convinced that if I didn't drink the gutter water, I would die. She 'helped me' drink it by using a discarded Dixi cup spoon.

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