i used to believe

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in the street

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I went to day camp and we had a view of our state's capital including the bulding in which my father worked. So I thought that if I could see his building then he could see me.

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I also hate my neighbours. Up until i was 7 i believed Satan lived next door to me. I still dont like meeting new neighbours.

T. Castanet
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when i was around 4, i remember sitting in the car watching the powerlines along the road - and the steel structures holding them up would look like ladies stretching their arms up to hold the wires up.

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You know how crosswalks have those alternating white lines? Well, I used to believe that if you walked across it, and happened to touch a part that wasn't painted white, the road would fall apart.

Craig McLennan
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In the inner city, one of the main streets I saw was named 'Gay Street.' I thought that many gay men were living along the street.

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the neighbourhood i lived in as a child
was pretty simplistic,
it was a square shape i guess;
a full block.
i lived on one of the inside corners
and all my friends lived within that area.
the concenting rule of the parents was,
you were only aloud to play
up and down the two streets
making an 'L' shape.
only if you had an adult with you
or it was the bike parade day could you
ever do the full 'loop' ( use the othe two streets that make the square block )

i always found it unfair that we only got
the 'L'
while the other half of the block got the 'oop'
it made 'loop' walks alot more exciting though.

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That many streets were named after doctors (Dr.).

Tony C
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I never used to go near sewers because I thought they would suck you in. I thought they would even pull cars and schoolbuses in!

what a nutty kid!
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my neighbor, bill, is a very scary middle-aged man. my brother and i used to think that he would sick his insane cat on us if we ever went in his yard to pick up a ball or something.

to this day, i don't deny he would.

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Until quite recently I thought KFC did sugar doughnuts because of the bakery smell. How funny

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i thought batman lived on the top of the giant store and i believed that batman only drank coffee and ate kids who were up there

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I used to think that the very large electricity pole across the street from my bedroom window would suck me out the window and hand me off to a dump truck that was flying by in the sky. Then the dump truck would fly higher and higher and drop me on the ground, splat!

Kathie Maffitt
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i used to believe that if i stepped on a crack on the pavement a giant or monster would come up to get me

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You know how in some roads there are two yellow stripes in the middle? Once I saw my imaginary friend (FrogBoy) driving a remote control car down those lines. So up until I was eight I believed that all little boys who owned remote controlled cars would just walk between those yellow lines, driving their remote control cars to their hearts content. No girls did this because toy cars are a boy thing. 'Little Sally-Sue' dolls, however, well, they're a different story.

Marshmello Da Strawberry Cow
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i used to believe that when the light turned red your supose to cross the light and at green your suppose to stop well i was a kid lmao

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