i used to believe

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when i was a child i used to think that a cross on top of the church in town was my dad watching me. It seemed so high up so i couldn't see what it really was.

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I used to believe that a topless bar meant that everyone who went to one had to be topless (men and women)

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Every time we were in the industrial part of town i would see this big stormwater drain, more like a large concrete-lined canal. I honestly believed that if you stood in the drain you would immediately be cloned! So, if you stood in there long enough there would be an army of you....don't know where i got that one from!

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After being fixated with Thomas the Tank Engine and how the streets lights turned on I finally came to a logical conclusion. I believed that the fat controller lives inside the lamp post on a little chair and turned on the lights when it go dark.

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When I was little I thought that the street lights went out after everyone went to bed.

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When I was young, I was quite confused about the purpose of elevators. I understood what they did, but I was always confused by the signs instructing you "in case of fire, do not use elevator". I always thought that meant that in case there was ever a fire, you should never use the elevators. So I wondered, why did they even bother to put them in?

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I used to think that fire trucks and ambulances drove all the way back to the station backwards.

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when I was little I asked my mother howcome streetlamps turned themselves on at night. She told me there was a little man inside each lamp, that could tell when it got dark and cold, so he turned the light on himself to keep him warm.

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When i was out and about, this is up until recently aswell, I used to see written everywhere "post no bills". I used to think that this meant never to post electricity or gas bills. I was always angry at my mum when she posted the bills off. I could never understand why she hadnt seen the notices. I felt pretty stupid when i learnt that it actually means not to stick up posters.

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A very young child i was convinced if you stepped on a crack in the footpath you would blow up!!! In fact it is probably my earliest memory....

The silly thing is that now at 25 i still dont step on cracks - just habit now i guess.

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I used to believe that telephone poles grew out of the ground.

Jennifer (the blonde)
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I used to believe that the lollipop lady gave out free lollipops (didn't we all?!) and every morning I'd walk straight up to her, put on my sweetest smile and try to look cute and innocent. As you've probably guessed, I was very offended when she gave me no lollipop.Huff!! (',')

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I used to believe that you were supposed to ride your bike in between the double yellow lines in the middle of the road. It seemed like just the perfect size for a bike tire, even though I had never seen anyone riding there. For some reason I never actually rode there, even though I felt I should be.

Where did that come from?
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on the way to my grandmothers house, there was a road running along a graveyard, and there were two huge speed humps which were painted in black and white checkers.
When i was about 5 i used to think that the big speed humps were chessboards and the graveyard was were all the pieces were.

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Until the age of about 10 I honestly believed that the double yellow lines on British roads were what cyclists had to ride in between!

Paul Gibbs
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I remember being in the car when it was beginning to get dark and seeing the street lights turn on one by one. I thought that there was a massive room full of thousands of computers, one for each lamp and there was a man who had to switch them on individually. When I was about 7, we watched a 'Come Outside' video at school which explained that therre are sensors which can tell if iut is dark and switch them on. I couldn't wait to get out of school that day to tell my mum the 'truth'!

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When I was young, I thought that the hills in the road were caused by all the wrecked cars over the years being stacked underneath the road.

Scary Dream
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I used to think that if you walked down a dead end street you would die.

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I always thought the connectors on the telephone lines were flying turtles.

Angie B
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My dad told us that the white dots in the middle of the road to help keep you in your lane were really turtles.

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