swimming pools
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when my nannny lived in her house that as the pool i loved to go in it but i was scared sometimes. You know how in pools to clean then there is like a vacume that cleans the bottem well i tought that if i got near it, it would suck me up too. my uncle nick used to tease me about it and make me more scared. i was about 6 or 7 intll i would go near it.
At the pool where I took swimming lessons as a kid, there was a list of rules, including one that said "Shower in the nude before using the pool." That sign baffled me for years because I couldn't for the life of me figure out where the "nude" was.
I used to have swimming lessons at my local pool, and have a shower aferwards. The showers there had the little curtains covering them, and I was convinced that when I wasnt watching, someone would open the curtain and peek.
I believed it with changing rooms in shops too, but they normaly have mirros in so it wasnt so bad :P
When i was about 5 years old i believed that the chlorr people puttin pools was medicine so 1 day i asked my mum" mummy, when are u going 2 put medicine and a plaster on the pool??" Then my parents laughed their head off before they told me that they use chlorr to keep the pool clean!!
top belief!
I once believd that whilst swimming, you could regenerate the air in your own mouth, i.e whilst breathing out (head underwater), if I opened my mouth, I could catch my own air bubble and continue without havng to resurface. What added credibility to this was watching Tarzan (Johnny Weissmeller) doing etended underwater scenes. What took away this credibility was that I tried it and nearly drowned
A friend of mine used to believe that when she went swimming her period would stop automatically (for the water around her didn't turn red), so she would go swimming daily without a pad or tampon or anything while she was having her period! Gross! (It made me remember how when you play freeze tag to unfreeze someone you have to swim between their legs). I made a mental memo never to go to the pool with her again!!!
i used to think that marlins (the kind of fish) lived in pools! i didn't want to go into a pool once because i thought a marlin would come and spear me with his long spear nose! ouch! lol
when i was younger i used to go swimming in my Aunt's pool. right under the diving board was a light. I always thought that at night a shark would come out and eat anyone or thing that was in the water. i belived this until i was 12 and i still dont swim at night in a pool
When I was child, I used to be afraid of staying alone in the swimming pool, because I thought that a shark would appear there and kill me.
Growing up we had an inground pool in the back yard. It was wonderful during the hot missouri summers to just lay on a raft and float around for an hour or so. When I was young I was terrified of getting in the pool. I would float but I hated to get off the raft because I was scarred something would come up from the bottom of the pool(which is where a pipe sucked water and pumped it through to keep it circulating. It was terrifying. I would see dirt stirring around on the bottom and thought that something like a monster would form out of the dirt. It was really silly...but I still don't like to go in the deep end by myself-I'm 22. :-)
As a kid I would always see those campers that had a ladder that ran up the back to the top and I thought it had a pool up there.
Up until I was in 3rd grade I believed my bathing cap is what kept me afloat in the swimming pool!
My brother told me when I was seven that at the bottom of our swimming pool, where the filter cap was, that an invisible laser beam came out of it, aiming straight up. If you broke the beam, the bottom of the pool would open up and a shark would swim out. Whenever I went off the diving board I always jumped to the side to avoid the beam. I still do it to this day, without thinking about it.
i use to think school was a swimming pool with a bunch of old ladys swimming around.
I didn't know where else to put this one, but it was in my grandparents swimming pool I always thought there was some sort of bubble monster that would come get me if I was alone in the pool. I was a very good swimmer and loved to swim, but I could never stay in alone.
I used to believe that beyond the floating markers in a swimming pool or a lake, that lined off deeper ends of the water, that there were sharks there and i was terrified to go past them for years.
top belief!
When I was little my uncle told me all about the glass shark that lives in swimming pool drains. He said because it was made of glass, you couldn't see it except as shifts in the current/pool lights. Of course, wind on the water causes these shifts as well. Thanks, Unc.
I used to love watching National Geographic documentaries when I was little. And my dad couldn't swim. So one day, he made me watch Jaws, explaining that it was a documentary of what happens when humans get into deep water, being of course, the shark's environment.
I quickly became very wary and hesitant to swim in the sea... but then I discovered swimming pools. His solution was to tell me that all the pools in the world were interconnected by underground channels that lead out to sea, and Jaws could find me in any pool any where at any time if it wanted to.
Since then I don't swim alone in pool or sea, and I am paranoid about shark feeding times and anything that may attract a shark to me. But i still love to swim.
top belief!
When I was little, I used to believe that if you got closer to a pool duct, it will suck you by the hair and you'll drown in the bottom of the swimming pool.
They told that one little girl died this way, so I was terrified of going to the bottom and find the dead girl without a bunch of it's hair... Brrrrrr!!!!
when I was young I used to believe that there were sharks into the swimming pool and that they were going to eat me!!!!!So I wanted to swimm only with someone but not on my own
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