swimming pools
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When I was 10 or so I saw the movie Jaws. I believed that he could some how transfer from water to water, such as the ocean, to my bath tub, to my pool or even a puddle(specially the big one at the end of my drive way). So when I went swimming, (some how) I saw Jaws and would flip out and literally almost drown myself. I honestly believed that I was being eatten alive in my shark infested pool.
Oh those silly years of giving my parents heart attacks with my over active imagination.
when I was younger I thought that Jaws was going to pop out of my three foot swimming pool and eat me the reason I got this belief was because I saw Jaws right before we set up the pool
I used to believe that if you swam in a pool when you had your menstrual cycle and leaked you would go into shock and possibly die.
I used to beleive that the the place Liverpool was a swimming pool full of livers (i.e. animals livers, which you may cook and eat). I was horrified when my Grandad said he was going to Liverpool, I didn't want him in a swimming pool was all those livers!
I used to think that El Dorados were carpools. I would get so jealous whenever one drove by.
You know those cartoons where people are in a swimming pool and there is a shark behind some bars.When i went to a new pool i always had to check if they had a shark or not.
top belief!
I used to believe that in the deep end of one of our town's pools, there was a huge sea serpent that would kill you if you touched it. I never knew for sure, because it was the kind of pool that is designed to look like a lake, you know, with murky water and sand on the bottom. So one day, I decided to see if I could find it. I jumped off the dock in the middle of the deep end and swam straight down. Now, I was about 7 years old, and the pool was 18 feet deep, so once I got pretty far down, I was not thinking clearly. I had my hands stretched out, and my hand brushed something. I screamed while I was under the water, and swam as fast as I could (not very fast) to the surface. I was convinced that the monster was chasing me. So I burst to the surface and got on the dock, breathing heavily, as I'd almost lost conciousness by that point. I now know that I'd touched the bottom, but I was too scared to ever go in that pool again.
When I was little there was a pool store nearby that had an actual pool in the front, and mirrors on the building so that the pool reflected out to the road, and I thought there was a sideways pool, and I used to wonder how they kept the water in. Finally one day I decided they had glass over the side. I only figured it out a while ago
When i learned about evaporation (i was about 6) I thought, why not put a humongous swimming pool in the yard so that it would evaporate and makes rain :)
I used to believe car pooling was where a car had a pool in the back
i used to have a metal sided above ground pool, i also had a window mounted air conditioner. a couple of frogs lived under my air conditioner and sometimes i would take them out and put them in the pool to swim with me. when they were under water i could see slime coming off them and i thought it was sperm. i was terrified i'd have frog babies all summer.
top belief!
I used to think that a carpool was one of those bug, long limosine's with a pool all the way in the back.
I have always been afraid to swim in a dark pool. I have always believed that they keep sharks in the cage (drain) that they let out at night to protect the pool. I am 30 years old now, and I still won't swim in dark water!! lol!
I would not swim near a pool drain. If I did a shark would burst through the drain and eat me. Didn't matter if it was a big drain with a grate over it or a tub sized drain.
When my friend was seven she was involved in the Swim Team. While at a meet, she got tired and had to stand up in the pool for a second, which resulted in a disqualification. When they told her she was "DQ'd", she thought it meant she got a free ice cream at Dairy Queen. Thw whole drive home, she looked out for Dairy Queen signs so she could go get her free ice cream.
When I was little, vans all had those metal ladders on the back and a luggage rack, with metal railings, on top. I believed there was a swimming pool on top of the van. A swimming pool was the only place I'd seen ladders or railings quite like that. (Plus, I was obsessed with pools in the first place.) I remember staring very hard at vans in front of us, hoping to see a little water sloshing out.
My mother tried to tell me the truth, but I didn't want to believe it. I wanted to ask some van owner to let me climb up and at least see if there was a pool up there, but it never happened.
when we were little and at a swimming party, my friend and i thought it would be cool to take our trikes into the pool and go for an underwater cruise, disregarding the importance of breathing and water resistance. Nevertheless, it seemed like a pretty good idea. My friend started to go in first. Although he fought fiercely to keep hold onto his trike and onto his mission,his mom grabbed him just as he was about to sink under,and the tricycle rolled down to the deep end.
To prevent me from falling in the pool while i tried ot pick a stick out of the water, my grandmother told me that the weren;t just sticks, but alot of them were buggs and could bite me. Mind you i have never seen an actual stick bug anywhere near where i live to this day, but i still pick sticks out of the pool very delicately even now.
In 2nd grade, I started wearing glasses but, of course, I could not wear them when I went swimming. For well over a decade I thought it was blurry whenever ANYONE (with good eyesight or not) opened their eyes underwater. I believed that the pressure of the water directly on one's eyeballs caused the blurriness.
When I was 5, I got a birthday card that had picture riddles. One of them featured a kiddie pool on top of a car. For several years I thought a "carpool" was literally a car that had a little pool, and I wondered why no one we knew had one...
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