swimming pools
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My sister, who started school four years ahead of me, was driven to school in a car pool. I couldn't wait to start school because I thought it was a swimming pool on wheels, and we got to go swimming to and from school every day.
I believed that the ladder on the back of a trailer/rv led up to a swimming pool.
Once when i was little i reallyr wanted to go to the pool but it was too cold so i decided to make a pool in my room. You know how in cartoons characters will fill up a room with water and when the door opens all of the water spills out like a wave?? I locked my room and started pouring water onto the carpet, and stopped after finally realizing it wasnt working.
When I was a kid I used to always pee in the swimming pool and saw absolutely nothing wrong with this. I never understood why other people would actually get out of the pool and walk all the way to the toilet when it was so much easier to just pee in the pool. I thought I was much cleverer than them and was saving time.
I remember watching a Sex-ed video at school about periods, and it showed a girl swimming. the commentary said that you could only swim with a period if you wore a tampon...
From that day I was scared of going swimming in case my first period started..... I thought you'd have a load of blood trailing behind you if your period started in the pool and everyone would point at you.....
still don't like swimming now.....
When i was about 3 years old i took swimming lessons in this indoor swimming pool. i remember when we were being taught how to float on our backs (we were little!!) our teacher would tell us to look up at the ceiling and imagine a big sandwich there. i got it into my head that we were supposed to look for the giant peanut butter sandwich that was stuck to the roof so it didn't fall on us. i could never see it, and i thought everyone else knew where it was but i didn't ask because i didn't want to look stupid.
I used to believe that if you farted while swimming in the pool, it could propel you foward really fast.
I used to believe that Santa Clause lived in the drain at the bottom of the swimming pool in the deep end and that the only was to talk to him was by jumping off he diving board, swimming down and talking to the drain. Since i was only 5 or so I could go all the way to the bottom and would get mad b/c I could'nt tell santa what I wanted for Christmas.!
I Used to think that when you got into a swimming pool if there was a guy there you could get pregnant. I remember my parents had a pool party for my brothers 15th birthday and one of his friends got in the pool. I jumped out and went crying to my mom and told her that he just got me pregnant.
When we were very young, my sister and I wrote letters to President Reagan. My sister asked him to "change the rules" so that we would be allowed to run while we were playing around the swimming pool.
In my rebellious stage (like, four years old) my dad told me that it was against the law not to take a shower before you go to the pool and that there were security cameras hidden in the showerheads and if you forget to take a shower the police would get you and you would go to jail for the rest of your life. I was scared into taking at least two showers before going to the pool and looked nervously at the showerheads. This was up until I forgot to shower, and all I got was the lifeguard telling me to do so.
When I was about 6 we use to go to Los Angeles in summer to vist my grand-parents.They had a swimming pool in the back garden.When I was swimming, I asked my brother why I couldn't swim in the deep end and he told me"Well our family is part mermaid and that I wasn't enough of a mermaid." so of course I asked what I needed to do to become a Mermaid and he said eat lots os carrots which I hated and still do.I started to cry and when my dad asked why "I just said Daddy I need carrots." I think he thought I was just a very heath concious child.
When we used to go swimming with school we went to old Victorian baths where males and females would have bathed in different pools. I was releaved when we'd enter through the 'male' entrance (assuming it was named that to help the postman)and that the 'female' entrance was closed off because females were in fact giant spiders
I used to believe that "car pools" were cars with pools in them, like in the rock videos.
i used to believe that the little bit of water that you have to walk through at the swimming baths before you go in the pool was to warm your legs up. i believed this when i was a small girl. and also when i was a big girl. only last year at the tender age of 19 was i told that you did not sit down in it to get you body ready for the bigger pool of water, but simply had to walk through it to disinfect your feet. not really sure why no-one told me until last year, i must have looked very strange. also its a bit horrible as it means i was sitting in a load of water full of bits of people's minging feet. nice.
One time when i was 4, i went to my Grandma's pool and put on these orange goggles. Because they covered my nose, i assumed i could breathe underwater. You can guess how that turned out...
You know the vans with the ladders? I used to believe that you climbed those ladders to get to the swimming pool on top of the van! The weirdest part is, just a couple of years ago I met someone else who also had this belief as a child.
When I was little i wouldnt swim in the deep end of a swimming pool because i thought there were lobsters in there and they would bite my feet.
Whenever my fingers wrinkled from staying in the pool too long, I thought I was aging faster.
When I was 7 my older sister and all of the lifeguards at my neighborhood pool convinced me that there was a thing called a wetifyer. If you turned the wetifyer off then once you got out of the pool you would no longer be wet. I believed them until I finally became a lifeguard myself and asked my boss where the wetifyer was located...
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