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swimming pools

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When I was about 9 years old I was all into watching shark movies such as jaws and so on. At this time I lived in a mobile home park where my mom would take my brother and I down to the pool to go swimming. Now though I loved learning about sharks and watching them...I was terrified of them! So when we would go swimming I believed that somehow where ever there was water...there could be a shark. (Except of course the bath tub at my house because nothing scary or bad could be somewhere that my parents lived.) so to say the least every time we would go swimming I had this thing that if I went into the deep end I had to be the first one to pass the blue line separating the deep end from the shallow and the first one crossing it to come back or the bottom of the pool would open up and a shark would come out and eat me. ! honestly did this and had it in my head until I was like 12 haha

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As far back as I can remember I have been afraid to be alone in a large bath tub or pool because I had this terrifing phobia that if I was alone in the bath or pool, then a shark/crocodile/snake would swim up the plug hole or out of the filter and eat me.

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when i was like 7 or 8 i believed that in pools the filters on the side would suck you in and never let you go so i would always go under the water so i would get sucked in

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Since I was a baby, I've always had a fascination for the sea. One day, while living in Indonesia, I took a fish from my fish pond and dove into my swimming pool with it and swam with it, pretending I was a mermaid in an ocean and the little fish was my best friend. The poor little thing died pretty quickly because of the chlorine but it's a story that my friends love because of how innocent we all are when we're young!

Jen Pitch, Australia
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I used to fear the deep end of the pool when it was dark. Even though I would be swimming while it was light and knew there was nothing there. I would never go near it while it was dark and always kept an eye on it while in the shallow end.

The Jaws movies was partly to blame as well as when I was young I used to swim in a creek hole that was about four or five feet deep and could feel the frogs swimming by my feet. I think crab nipping at my toes also added to this fear.

Justynn Tyme
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When at the beach, after eating, our mother would tell my brother and me that we could not go swimming for one hour. When we asked why (we were about five and nine at the time), we were told it was because the combination of food and water may cause cramps. When we were older (young adults) and both received scientific education, we learned that there was no scientific basis to this information/theory. Neverheless, we had to wait the necessary time period, along with our cousins, who were also often at the beach with us.

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When I was little my younger sister convinced me that there where sharks in the deep end of the swimming pool. Now I hate swimming in water over my head!

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i use to think school was a swimming pool with a bunch of old ladys swimming around.

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Someone told me that a girl going through puberty had a period in the pool. I did not really want to go in the pool again after he said that.

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when we were little and at a swimming party, my friend and i thought it would be cool to take our trikes into the pool and go for an underwater cruise, disregarding the importance of breathing and water resistance. Nevertheless, it seemed like a pretty good idea. My friend started to go in first. Although he fought fiercely to keep hold onto his trike and onto his mission,his mom grabbed him just as he was about to sink under,and the tricycle rolled down to the deep end.

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I used to believe car pooling was where a car had a pool in the back

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I used to believe that if i was alone in a swimming pool a shark will apear and eat me

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When I was little there was a pool store nearby that had an actual pool in the front, and mirrors on the building so that the pool reflected out to the road, and I thought there was a sideways pool, and I used to wonder how they kept the water in. Finally one day I decided they had glass over the side. I only figured it out a while ago

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When I saw signs saying "Public Footpath", "Public Swimming Pool" I thought that "Public" was the name of a private club that you had to join to use these facilities. I remember asking my parents if we were members.

Barrel O'Lard
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When i was little my dad always told me there was polar bears in the deep end of the pool and if i swam in the deep end they would come up and get me! I believed him until i was finally old enough to hold my breath and go under water. Then i noticed he was lying and i started to jump off the diving board and play Marco Polo with all the older cool kids.

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when I was younger I thought that Jaws was going to pop out of my three foot swimming pool and eat me the reason I got this belief was because I saw Jaws right before we set up the pool

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i used to belive that if you were in a pool or a lake all alone there was a shark behind you! i got SO fuckin scared!

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when I was young I used to believe that there were sharks into the swimming pool and that they were going to eat me!!!!!So I wanted to swimm only with someone but not on my own

ali 4
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I used to be scared of swimming pool drains cause I used to believe that a lake monster or a shark would come out of the drain and eat me. Whenever I would swim underwater and near the pool drain, I would swim away very quickly from it or try to avoid the drain altogether. For most of my childhood, I would be afraid of the deep end because of that belief. Luckily I don't believe that anymore. :-)

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when i was little if a stayed in the paddling pool 2 long my toes would rinkle and i thought i was a prune tree

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