swimming pools
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Before I started kindergarten my mother told me that I would be participating in a carpool. I was so excited for school to start. About a week after school had begun I asked my mother when we were getting the car with the pool.
When I was little I always heard people use the phrase "car pool", so when I saw a car with a cab on the back, I thought you were supposed to fill it with water and invite people in.
I used to beleive that sharks lived in swimming pool drains and would come out and try to eat me. I would constantly be looking around for sharks when I would get up the courage to actually get in the pool. I also thought they could come out of the bathtub drain as well.
When I was about 4 or 5 Iwe had these pool floats and I thought they could talk and had feelings so I gave them all names and kept them all in our pool at once and pretended I had a herd full of them.
My grandparents told me that there was this guy named Walter the Float Man that took all the floats at the end of summer and stored them in his home. he also had a daughter named Rozz. So thats where I believed all our floats would go. Yes I was a very weird child who would believe anything
When I was little, vans all had those metal ladders on the back and a luggage rack, with metal railings, on top. I believed there was a swimming pool on top of the van. A swimming pool was the only place I'd seen ladders or railings quite like that. (Plus, I was obsessed with pools in the first place.) I remember staring very hard at vans in front of us, hoping to see a little water sloshing out.
My mother tried to tell me the truth, but I didn't want to believe it. I wanted to ask some van owner to let me climb up and at least see if there was a pool up there, but it never happened.
When i learned about evaporation (i was about 6) I thought, why not put a humongous swimming pool in the yard so that it would evaporate and makes rain :)
You know those cartoons where people are in a swimming pool and there is a shark behind some bars.When i went to a new pool i always had to check if they had a shark or not.
When I was about 4 or 5, my older cousin had told me that snakes come out of the pool filters. To this day I'm still kinda creeped out about that.
i have an inground pool. i used to believe that little people swan around on the bottom just waiting for me to jump in & pull me down to the bottom & drown me!!! i still have to double check the bottom b4 jumping in(:
Whne I was young, my father used to carpool to work. One day he came home and said person x was retiring and that he would need to join a new carpool. Thinking this was a car with a large swimming pool in the back; I asked him if he would have to buy a new swim-suit.
when i was like 3 or 4 i learned to swim. although i was good at all the strokes, i never wanted to go under the water becouse even if i was at the other end of the pool, the drain monster thing would come out of the drain and it would drown me. im normal now, except for my irrational fear of the penut butter monster.
When I was about 9 I was at the house of a family friend and they had just had renovations and I decided to go the toilet in the extension.The first time i went and I flushed it, it made a funny noise so after that, whenever I ever went to the toilet there I never flushed the toilet as I thort the renovations werent finished and all my business would just land in their pool. I'm pretty sure they knew it was me that wasnt flushing!
When I took swimming lessons I thought that if I didn't flush the toilet after using it, the pool would open up and swallow me. I always flushed.
I used to believe that if you swam in a pool when you had your menstrual cycle and leaked you would go into shock and possibly die.
Up until I was in 3rd grade I believed my bathing cap is what kept me afloat in the swimming pool!
when my nannny lived in her house that as the pool i loved to go in it but i was scared sometimes. You know how in pools to clean then there is like a vacume that cleans the bottem well i tought that if i got near it, it would suck me up too. my uncle nick used to tease me about it and make me more scared. i was about 6 or 7 intll i would go near it.
When me and my sister were little my mom told us that if we went to the deep end of the pool when we were swimming that an invisble monster would suck us under.I didn't really pay attention to her but my never wated to go in the deep end
My friend was sooo scared of sharks ever since she was little. When I was like 11 I had my birthday party at an indoor pool. It was really warm and a part of it was really deep. Somehow she got the idea that there were sharks in the water, and would only enter the water if she had a kickboard!!
I used to believe(and I still do) that when ever I was in my Grandfather's pool, if I swam over the drain, it would star a whirlpool and I would get sucked up. To this day I've never swam in the deep end of any pool.
When I was child, I used to be afraid of staying alone in the swimming pool, because I thought that a shark would appear there and kill me.
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