water towers
Show most recent or highest rated first.While driving across the fine state of Minnesota with my mother and grand mother I caught site of a watertower that had sometype of funny face painted on it. About an hour later i noticed another water tower (mind you this was 70 miles down the road) that didnt have the face painted on it. When i pointed it out to my mom she told me "no nobody repainted it honey its a different watertower." I was sent into shock and utter amazement that Minnesota had not one but TWO water towers. I still remember telling my grandma that they must drink a LOT of water up here!!
when I was little, I used to think that water towers were full of water. I was always confused because they had doors on them sometimes. I thought that if someone opened the door on a water tower, that all the water would spill out
When I was a little girl, maybe 9 or so, a new water tower was being built close to our house. We would drive by it almost every day as it was going up. My Dad told me that it was going to be a new type of zoo where the animals were going to be kept in areas within the cylinder shaped building and the people would walk around in circles on the different levels to look in at the animals. He went into detail about what animals they were going to have and that on the bottom floor was going to be a huge icecream shop. I was so excited and just couldn't wait until it was finished. Boy was I dissapointed when he finally fessed up...months later. But now that I'm a Mom and my Dad has passed away, I always smile when I pass that silly water tower.
When I was younger, I lived pretty close to a water tower, so I thought frequently about how the water got into the water tower. I finally came to the conclusion that the top came off to let the rain water in.
There was a door at the bottom of the water tower, and I thought that when you opened the door, water would come rushing out but if you did get in, you would float to the top and get stuck untill they opened the top during a rainstorm!
When I was eight, I used to think that the towering water towers in town were actually secret government control centers that would direct the fire department or the police if something went wrong. I also used to think that they would watch us play outside, and if we did anything wrong, they would know and call the police.
I've debunked that theory, because we all know the government uses televisions to watch us =) j-k
Once, when I was little, we drove by a house that was coincidentally near our trown's water tower. I felt so bad for the people who lived in that house because I was certain that water towers were in reality bomb/nuclear testing facilities and that all water towers would, at some point, explode. I wondered why the people living in that house hadn't already evacuated!
I thought water towers were the HUGE parents of spiders. ALL spiders, (which gave me the creeps) hatched from those towers.
I used to belive that water towers were where they exacuted really REALLY bad people.They would open the top,pust the guy in,add a paranna or two and close it air tight so he cant get air.Pretty grusome huh?
i used to believe that the rag and bone man would come and take me away if i wasn't well behaved
When I was about five, we had a watertower in our little town. One day, I asked my mom, "Mommy, what is in that big tall thing?"
She told me, "Raisins."
So I always believed that there were raisins in watertowers!
When I was about five(ish) there was a water tower in my town and for some reason, I thought it was a giant pineapple! Every time I passed it I got so hungry. Looking back at it today, it doesn't even look like a pineapple.
When I was small, everytime I saw a water tower, I thought the Animaniacs would pop out (because in the cartoon, they lived in a water tower)!
When I was little, my uncle was driving us home from a day at the beach. My brother and sister and I saw one of those tall water towers in the distance and asked my uncle what it was. He said, and I kid you not, that it was skunk. For years after that, every time we saw a water tower we would scream SKUNK at the top of our lungs. It wasn't until we grew up that Mom finally asked us why we yelled skunk everytime we saw a water tower and she's still not sure she believes us.
When I was little I believed the entire cast of Sesame Street lived in the water tower in our town. I thought they all wanted me to come and hang out up there with them forever...and eat cookies.
***I used to believe that water towers was a place that someone lived and they controlled the water.
top belief!
i used to believe when i was little that the large water towers that are way up in the sky, the ones you drive by on interstates and in small towns, were where you kept all the mean fish. I thought thats where they kept the sharks and the evil fish who liked the bite.
I used to see water towers and think that Aladdin lived in them. I don't have a clue why.
When I was little I thought my grandma owned the water tower because the only one I ever saw was on the way to her house so I associated it with her. Now I'm 27 and I still say "Look there's Grandma's Water Tower" when we go past.
I also used to think people worked up there purifying the water and went up and down the ladders but I never actually saw anyone doing it.
Here in Australia you usually see two water towers next to each other, one big and wide, the other tall and thin.
When i was Little i use to to think one was for cold water and the other was for hot water (seemed logical at the time) untill one day i asked my grandfather if one was for hot water, after everyone stoped laughing i found out the truth.
My mother had me convinced that water towers were huge onions. So every time we would pass on in the car, she could somehow make her eyes water. She was very convincing :)
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