water towers
I used to believe that water towers were detention centres for naughty dolphins
When I was little, my town had a big red water tower and it had a picture of Donald Duck on it. I remember that there was also a orange juice that Donald Duck on it. I thought that the water tower was filled with orange juice.
My brother convinced me that water towers were big aquariums.(we lived in Maryland so it was believeable). I could just imagine all of the fish swimming around in there. He said the only reason we had a water filter was to keep the fish from getting through! I always tried to take the filter off the faucet because i wanted an exotic pet fish. It wasn't until we moved to a house without a water filter that i realized fish weren't coming through the pipes. My brother also blamed clogs on the fish saying there were too many in the pipe at the same time.
My mom told me that when there was a fire they would break open the water tower and flood the town. When i asked what happened to the people, she would say, "they drown." This was to keep me from playing with matches and starting fires.
My father used to say that the water towers contained soup for people in the hospitals. Plus some of them were big onion shaped tanks- very intuitive of them to contain soup inside. And of course, I believed it at first being the gullible child I was.
At 5 and 6 my sister and I asked my father what the water storage towers were. Obviously we did not know they were water storage towers. He told us they were orphanages. When at 12 I met a classmate that said he was from an orphanage. I asked him why they didn’t have windows and how did he get up inside them.
My Mother used to tell me that the water towers on the side of the highway were huge public swimming pools. I also used to beg her to take me there. I dreamed it was the greatest place to swim on Earth! She always told me she would take me there if I was a very good girl. Too bad I never made it...Love ya' Mom!
When I was younger, I asked my mother what was in the water towers. ( Not knowing thats what they were. Hey! I was one and a half!!) My mother told me that people, and bad munchies ( children) were put in there if they didn't do what's right. One day, my younger cousin over flowed my aunts sink, and flooded the bathroom. We blamed it on our imaginary freinds, Mr.Hopples and his sister Bill. (Don't ask me why her name was bill..it just was...)Then, my mom and my aunt looked at each other, picked us up, and put us in the car. We asked them where we were going, and mom said the water tower. Mom and auntie came home, tempoarily deaf, and my cousin and I lost our voices.
When I was little, I thought that Water Towers were full of dirty laundry. Why? I dont know.
When I was about eight my family went on an excursion to Maryland. On the way we passed a huge black dome, and curious, I asked my mother what it was. She informed me that it was a prison for the very worst criminals. The guard at the top would open the lid, and just throw you in. There was no cells, or bars or rules. All the inmates just fended for themselves. I thought this was just the scariest thing ever, and whenever we drove to Maryland after that I would wonder how they survived in that big black dome. Years went by, until I was well into my teens before it occured to me that it was not the dome of death, but a water tower...
Not only did I believe that bands lined up to play every song live at radio stations, but I believed that radio stations were based in water tower silos, and that the band members had to climb a ladder to get up to the radio broadcast booth.
I used to believe that water towers were a giant aquarium inside. All the fish that the pet stores sold came from the water tower and whan it got too crowded inside they would dump some of them into to oceans and lakes etc.
I used to think that the stuff in the toilet went to the water tower when you flushed it. Imagine my profound surprise when I was told that we got our bath and drinking water from the water tower as well! For a long time I would only drink soda and milk. I tried not to think about it when I was taking a bath.
When I was little while visiting my aunt we used to have to drive past the water tower in the town of Avon. I thought that the water tower was full of Avon perfume and that that was where they filled the bottles of perfume from.
i used to believe when i was little that the large water towers that are way up in the sky, the ones you drive by on interstates and in small towns, were where you kept all the mean fish. I thought thats where they kept the sharks and the evil fish who liked the bite.
I used to believe watertowers were giant mushrooms O.o... Don't ask... Really...
i used to believe that humpty dumpty lived in our towns water tower
when I was little, my mom told me that those big round water towers were filled with alligators. for years, i pictured their insides with a giant alligator habitat in the bottom, with balconies above, men in white lab coats taking notes on clipboards. I finally got her to tell me the truth when i was about 12...
I don't know why, but I used to believe that those big water tower tanks, that were high up in the air, were filled with Lays Potato Chips.
I used to think that miniture men ran around people's yard all day. There house was a water tower. I had a name for them but can't remember it. My friend and I used to go hunt them with plastic knives.
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