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One day when i was about 6, i was watching the news on tv, and something came on about a high school, and i thought to myself ''why is everyone all different heights if they are the same age?'' becoz i always used to think that what ever age you are, everyone that age is the same height. so u can imagine how this all confused me
Like most kids, adults told me when I was little that if I make a face it would get stuck like that. My neighboor's mom had a lip deformity and I always thought it just got stuck like that. Years later I found out she had medical problem.
People at the counter don't wear pants. (The counter covers the pants...)
I had a strange idea of beauty when I was little. I believed people with curly hair were gorgeous and people with straight hair were ugly My friend and I had straight hair when we were very young, but as we got older my hair curled and her's didn't change. Therefore, one day I declared I was going to be a model and she couldn't because she was too ugly. Needless to say, we're not friends anymore.
top belief!
The year I got my braces I was suddenly popular at school. I thought the braces had some magical power that made people start liking me. I was certain no one would like me after I had them taken off the next year.
Ok when I was in Kidnergarten my mom wanted to get me to get my ears pierced and I was really excited about it! But a couple days before I was supposed to get my ears pierced a kid at school told me that when you got your ears pierced that blood squirted everywhere and that it hurt REALLY REALLY bad!! I was terrified!!! When I got home I told my mom I didn't want my ears pierced and why. She told me it didn't hurt but I told her, YEAH IT DOES!! I was convinced that if I got my ears pierced I would bleed to death!! I didn't stop believing that till I finally got my ears pierced when I was 11 years old!!
I used to believe that all twins were identical. It’s not that strange a belief, especially that I did find out a long time ago that there are also non-identical twins. But - I have aunts who are twins and I always just presumed they were identical, and then I met my fiancés aunts who are also twins and again I thought they were identical. About 2 weeks ago my sister told me that my aunts are not identical. I was so amazed and so mentioned it to my fiancé and he then mentioned that his aunts are not identical! (He said ‘did it not give it away they look nothing alike?!’) I’m now 27 so spent all those years believing my own aunts who look nothing alike were identical (and about 5 years thinking his aunts were identical)! It goes to show that those childhood beliefs don’t really let go!
My dad has a small white scar on his upper lip. When I was younger I used to think it was a white pencil line, which he applied every morning.
Well, when I was a kid I guess I'd heard everyone talking about the 'gun' they use to put the studs into your ears when they pierce them for the first time. So up until the time I actually got my ears pierced in about grade 3 I had this weird, scary picture in my head of an old western style house with a porch out front, and you stand at one end and the piercer stands at the other and they carefully aim a nailgun-like thing and shoot your ear from a distance. Freaked me right out.
After going to a lot of Indian restaurants and being a huge fan of Indian food, I thought that everyone of Indian descent was born with a dot in the middle of their forehead.
that a boy will come up 2 me and kiss me ?
I used to believe that football players held their shoulders up in a 'shrug' position so as to look tough to the other team. I thought that they must get real tired of holding them up by the end of the game.
When I was little There was a lot of kidnappers on the news that week, and my mom was very wooried. When I would go somewhere and i saw a scary looking boy i would hide ant where there was to hide, but when i saw a scary looking girl, i would go rate up to them and start talking to them, lol. So basiclly i was afraid of scary boys but not scary girls. Ya im not like that now
When I was little, I thought Lena Horne was my grandmother's sister because they looked similar. I also thought my great-grandfather was Jackie Wilson because he looked EXACTLY like him. I assumed my family never told us who he really was because they didn't want us kids to think he was really popular and had money.
I used to belief that the Muslim women who wore their garment wore it because they were bald.
top belief!
When I was three, my mom and my stepdad came to pick me up at daycare. Since I had met him, my stepdad had worn a beard, and so I was very surprised when my mom showed up with a guy with a shaved face.
"Where's Bobby?" I asked.
"He's right here," replied my mom.
I distinctly remember thinking that this guy must be named Bobby too, and that she must have misunderstood me.
"No," I explained, "the other Bobby."
I used to believe that when an African American and Cacasiun had children, the children were white with brown spots and that's why it was tabu
I used to believe that the Statue of Liberty was a statue of my Aunt Joan! Nobody ever told me this, I just thought it was a fact because they looked similar.
One time when me and my cousin were about 3 years old we got realllyyy bored and wonderded up to my mom's bathroom and watched her put on her make-up. Later that day while all the grown-ups were downstairs we recalled our previous observation. Being only 3 with not much to do we decided to destroy the "evil" make-up because it was "taking over" our mother's face. Of course nobody was paying attention and we continued up the stairs and opened up her drawer filled to the rim with overly exspensive make-up (at least $200 of new make-up). we removed the entire drawer of all it's contents and plunked it into a nearby toilet one-by-one giggling rewardingly as we did so. Soon we heard the conserned voices of our parents calling, "where did the kids go!?!" Faster we dumped the wrathful-facepaints into the toilet. Soon our parents appeared in the door with a relieved expression, which had quickly altered as they saw our awful motives. They screamed in horror as we flushed down the make-up as fast as we could. We thought that the make-up had possessed our parents; as they pulled us from the toliet. We tried to tell them that the make-up was evil, and it had already started to take over their body...They just yelled at us and put us to bed...
I used to think gender was determined by the length of your hair. Boys had short hair, and girls had long hair. I didn't know the real way to determine it. Anyways, I always thought Hanson were three girls, not boys.
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