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top belief!

this is from my moms childhood. when my moms youngest sister was able to understand more things, they (my mom and her other sisters) told her that when she was born, there parents didn't have enough money to raise her, so they froze her body. then told her that that was the reason why she was the only one with blonde hair and blue eyes.

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When i was littel i thought if i got spyred with womens perfume i would turn in to a girl it wasent tell i got spryed that i found out it was a lie..I wasent so much afrade of being a girl i was affrade my family and friend wouldent know me

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When I was about four years old, my mother read a story to me that dealt with children of different colors. I asked my mother what color we were, and she answered, "We're white." I replied, "I'm not white; I'm beige." My mother just about died laughing.

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top belief!

If you pulled a face and the wind changed it would stay that way.

When my brother irritated me I would risk a quick horrible face and think that I was so lucky the wind didn't change.

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I have a heart shaped face and in the middle of my forehead I have a dent that you can't see, but you can feel, it actually feels like the outline of a heart. When I first noticed it I was about 5 or 6. So one day i showed it to my dad and I asked him why was my face made like a heart and he said, "your mama and I were so much in love when we made you and you came out to be a love child". I was so happy when he told me that, I believed that all the way until I was about 15. even now as I think about it, it brings a smile to my face, just to think that I am actuall a love child.

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I used to believe that the difference between boys and girls is that boys have eyebrows, and girls have eyelashes. (Must have been those mascara comercials.)

Samantha from California
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When I was in junior school I wanted to be a mod. My best friend told that to be a mod I had to practise falling over and getting up immediately.

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when i first started school i had to get glasses and i never wanted to wear them. so my dad told me that if i didnt wear them, no one would recognize me. i didnt take them off again until i was in the fourth grade!

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Before kindergarten I think it was, our family went and stayed at a hotel, and I have no idea why. Why we were there, there were these twin girls, and I thought that if I looked at them, my face would start to look like theirs, but when I went underwater, My face was normal.

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I used to believe that everyone who was the same age, weighed the same amount. Therefore - tall people were always skinny and short people were always fat.

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All the mirrors in our house were up high so the adults could see in them and I never needed one so I never realised I was more then just two eyeballs floating in mid air until I was tall enough to happen to catch my reflection in the mirror while bouncing on the couch one day. I scared myself so bad I actually wet my panties.

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I used to think that if you didn't have a birth mark you hadn't been born.

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When I was little I was so scared that when I grew up I would have to go to the store naked to by new clothes because I would have outgrown my old ones!

Mindy Navarro
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top belief!

I thought that the term "smarter than she looks" was a compliment. Imagine my surprise when I said that 'compliment' to my teacher's friend.

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top belief!

I have a mole on the side of my face and once when I was 5 or 6 my dad told me I was a robot and the mole is where they charge me up at night and on my birthday they were going to change me in for a new model. He didn't understand why I was upset, he thought it was a funny joke. :) Ugg men

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top belief!

... i used to believe the more stripes my pair of sneakers had, the faster i would run ...

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When I was very young, I used to think that if I could see a woman's feet, she was naked. This confused me for some time as a child.

I still have issues with feet to this day. And no, there is no foot fetish involved.

Power Johnson
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We told our little sister that she had a long bushy tail and she fully believed us for ages!!

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top belief!

I used to believe that shoes grew along with you, so as you got bigger your shoes would too. I also thought the same thing about clothes. I remember crying for hours and hours one time because my shoes didn't fit and I though I had broken them or stopped them from growing somehow.

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top belief!

I used 2 think that the scar on my side said "UNUSEABLE" LOL!!!!!!

John In Pennsylvania
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