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I used to believe that boys were always older than girls. Possibly, because men are often older than women in relationships. Also, my eldest sibling was a boy.
top belief!
When I was a young girl, I was curious why/how my mother had so many freckles. She told me when she was little she swallowed a jar full of pennies, and that's why she has so many freckles. I believed it for years, and freaked out when my own freckles began appearing.
When I was a small child I wished I were a girl. And I thought I'd become one if only my mother would quit cutting my hair short.
When i was little i used to think black people were made out of chocolate.
When I was six years old, my teacher once told me that if you would make a funny face at twelve o'clock at night, your face would stay like that forever. As a small child, I believed it, ofcourse. From that moment I wouldn't dare to look other then normal at twelve o'clock at night (that's IF I was up that late), untill I was about nine.
When I was 4 I met a really ugly lady who told me she was born from a c-section.
I believed c-sections made people ugly until I was 10.
I thought black people were black because they drank chocolate milk.
I thought homeless people had a disease that made them homeless. So, I held my breath when I. walked pass them so I wouldn't become homeless
top belief!
This is my brother's belief and he won't admit to it. He was around 3 and wanted to know why there were books in the drawer in our hotel room. I told him it was placed there by the Gideons. Gideons were tiny people who came into the hotel rooms and put bibles in the drawers. About 5-6 years later, we were in the grocery store and he seen a Little Person (person of very short stature) and was he excited and pointed, "Look! A Gideon! There's a Gideon!". I fessed up the truth, after I stopped laughing.
When i was very little, one of my preoccupation was looking at pictures in magazines (also finding the letter "z" in everything written). Somehow, i found many pictures that i strongly believed to be of my mom. I was very convinced it was her in those magazines. Later in my life i found out that my mom was not Elizabeth Taylor :))
For years (3-8) when I would see a couple where one was white and the other black, I used to think that their children would be spotted, you know, like black and white cows or tuxio cats. I finally asked my mom about it and she explained about the genes. But even now my first thought is: 'Wow I wonder what their kids look like'
Old habits die hard!
When I was about four or five, my mom had a friend who's son was "half black and half white". He looked very white. So I thought he was literally half black and half white. As in, his upper body was white and his lower body was black. Nice.
top belief!
When I was about 6 I asked my mother why I wasn't grey. We were learning about mixing secondary colors at school using Tempera paint. I reasoned since she was white and Dad was black that I should be grey. I wondered if there were something they weren't telling me about my parentage. She explained that people aren't really black or white that's just what they call them. I was very doubtful. This still makes no sense to me.
i used to believe that if you had glasses, you didnt need braces and vice versa. and since braces are only temporal and glasses arent, i always wanted braces - it would mean i would not need glasses any more, right?
top belief!
The custodian at my elementary school was a friendly guy, and always had a toothpick hanging out of his mouth. One day our class went down to the basement of the school for some kind of drill, and the custodian was there. I asked him why he always had a toothpick in his mouth. He replied, "Because if I take it out, my head will fall off." I believed him absolutely, and for years thought that toothpicks were medical devices used by people whose heads weren't connected properly.
When i was about 6 or 7 i used to believe that i was some kinda beauty queen and and everyone was jealous from me my dad had meeting with everybody in the world to stop them from telling me that
In kindergarten, a boy I did not know well had an oral retainer for his upper teeth. He was twiddling it around in his mouth one day and since it was flesh colored, I thought that he had a hole in his mouth that lead to his brain and that the retainer was actually like a man-hole cover. I was very frightened of him and never spoke to him. I did not learn about orthodontics until middle school.
Thanks to my older siblings I used to believe that little boys grew up to be girls, and little girls grew up to be boys. Until I was 7 I wanted to be a waitress when I grew up! I could never figure out why grownups would laugh when I told them my future occupation...
top belief!
When I was little, I heard the saying two heads are better than one. I believed that there was someone that ran around with two heads that was better than I was. Now I'm older I know better.
I Used To Believe That GayNess Came From Lack Of Confidence In Ones Appearance
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