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I used to believe that you could only be born on a holiday or someone else's birthday. Funny enough I still believe that oldest daughter was born on my birthday, and my other daughter was born on "Patriot's Day" (the OLD patriots day AKA Paul Revere's Midnight Ride not to be confused with the new one on Sept 11th.)
Just where does this belief come from? Hmmm...
My Bday April 4th (sometimes also Easter)
May 31/June 2 & 3rd Parents Anniv, bdays
Feb 18 Bro's Birthday (near Valentine's Day, honest to god he was late, and I thought my parents were worried because he missed the 14th, but made up for it by being born in the car in a blizzard!)
and my poor little brother was born on Oct I saved him by getting married on Oct 16th!
And he still won't let me live down that his birthday was overshadowed by my Rehearsal Dinner! :-)
So now..I tell the children it's the truth, you just don't know the person who shares your birthday yet, or the holiday will be invented just wait!
My two sisters and I were all born on Presidents birthdays.
My oldest sister = Kennedy
My middle sister = Lincoln
Me = Eisenhower
When I was younger I thought everyone in the world was born on a President's birthday. It made perfect sense to me then! =)
I used to believe that on your birthday, you didn't advance to your next age until you ate your birthday cake.
My birthday is in February and my sister's is in April. We were two years apart, so when I had my birthday, it would look as though we were only one. (As in, I would be 7 then, and she would be 8) I used to think that someday I would end up older than my sister.
When i was little i used to think that I could ketch up to my brothers age (he was 6 at the time and I was 3). I thoguht that if I tried to grow really hard that I could get to be the same age as my brother.
My birthday is on February 4th. When I was three years old, I thought that because I was turning 4 on the 4th, I would turn 5 on the 5th, 6 on the 6th, and so on and so forth. I wondered what would happen when I turned 28, though, until someone, I think my sister, explained...
When I was about 4, i thought that every time you had a birthday, you would suddenly learn a new talent or ability. I was dissapointed when i turned 5 and i still didnt know how to snap...
since your birthday isnt on the same day (like it isnt always on a wedensday or thursday it changes)
i thought your birth date changed too...
at about 6 i asked mum if i was born on thursday (because thats when my birthday was that year)
she said no it was monday or something so i fidugered that since it was six years ago i was born on the 20th of july instead of the 26th... so that next year my birthday would be on the 27th then the 28th and so on...
i remember being so excited that eventually my birthday would be at christmas!!! (withouht realising id be about 200 years old but then again i was 6)
My teacher was telling us a story about how when she was 5, since her birthday is October 10th...10/10, she thought everyone's birthday was like her's. For example, 5/5(May 5th), 6/6(June 6th), 7/7(July 7th), and so on.
When I was about 4 or 5 I thought you had to have your party on your birthday, and got confused when I'd been to a friend's party and was told it was her birthday a week later...
It wasn't until later in life that I found out that not everyone had a birthday bird who delivered the gifts to their home on their birthday.
Back in second grade, I remember the teacher asked us how old we were and most of the girls answered 6 years old or 7 years old. I sat back to think about what I would say. “Well,” I thought, “last year Mom said I should answer ‘aimaz’ if they ask my name and say ‘I am 5 years old’ if they ask for my age. Yes, I am still aimaz,” I glanced down at my small self, “I think I am still five.” I looked up and the teacher’s smile melted my six-and-a-half year old heart.
“Five years old,” I said with a voice that squeaked out from somewhere near my knees.
As a very young child (kindergarten-age or so), I believed that it took longer for my birthday to come around every year because it was in January--at the beginning of the year. In my mind, I had to wait for the WHOLE year for my birthday to roll around, whereas everyone else would, I guess, be having multiple birthdays. Ah, sweet innocence.
When I was six or eight I had just finished shopping with my mom and older brother. We were walking in the parking lot to our car, disscussing our astro signs. I, with my vast knowledge of astrology, knowing my sign, I proudly declared, "I'm a virgin!" ... It took me a year or so to find out why they were laughing so hard.
For a short time i used to think that people could choose when they wanted their birthdays....i thought this b/c i knew this boy who's birthday was like on the 15... but had his partyin the 12!
When I was a small child I believed that each birthday , I would have a different one on a different date on the next go around...weird huh?
i thought that everyone's birthday was the day after their acutal birthday ever since i went to a birthday party in preschool. My friend had his party a day before his birthday (which i wasn't aware of) and everyone told me that he was turning 5 tomorrow. For about the next 5 years i thought this same exact
At around age 6 or 7, I asked my parents about leap year... They gave me some fake explanation, and then proceded to screw with my head by telling me all about "Leap Birthdays"... They told me that once in a person's life time, you get to take a leap-birthday. By doing so, you got twice as many gifts, but none the following year. They also noted that people usually save their leap-birthday for when they turned 16 or 18, in an effort to obtain a car. Keep in mind it was only a couple weeks away from *my* birthday.
About a week later, I approached them... "Mom, Dad, I've given it a lot of thought...and I've decided to take my leap birthday this year. There's a lot of gifts I want this year, so I think it'll work out."
My parents didn't stop laughing for quite some time...
My name is Brittany, when I was little i could sorta tell when my name looked like written, however being 4, I didnt know exactly how to spell it. When my biorthday rolled around I thought the cake said Happy Brittany Brittany.
My date of birth was July 6th; two days after America celebrates "Independence Day" on the fourth. Historically, my parents would combine the two holidays and celebrate them both on the fourth because my parents were off work on that day. Typically, we'd have the traditional Birthday Dinner & Cake and then attend a fireworks demonstration. When I was a child, I believed that they were sending up the fireworks just for me because it was my birthday! It was a real shocker when I matured and discovered that they weren't! But .... to this day, there isn't a fireworks display on the 4th of July that I'll miss. And, I'll allow myself to become completely ensconced in the experience and feel that wonder and awe that I did back then. I have always retained a bit of that childlike wonder within me, and it serves me well in life!
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