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when I was much younger (I'm 21 now) I went through a short phase when I thought everybody had a birthday every month rather than once a year. I have no clue where I got the idea.

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When I was five my sister told me many times that I was really twenty-five and on my next birthday I'd change back to my real age--twenty-six. She said I'd be reunited with my husband that day and have a baby. I believed her.

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i believed what i was told about wishing for something before you blew out your birthday candles on you cake... if you don't tell anyone, it will come true. EVERY YEAR i wished for a horse and NEVER told anyone. i just knew the only way i was going to get one was to never tell... ever.

i never got a horse and my perents never had to listen to me beg for one.
that was a mean trick!

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For some reason my parents used to celebrate my "half birthday" (I was an only child). Since my birthday is September 17 then my "half b-day" is March 17, St. Patrick's Day. As a child I didn't understand that everyone's half birthday fell exactly 6 months from their actual birthday. I thought St. Patrick's Day was EVERYBODY'S half birthday and that was why we celebrated it!

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when i was smaller i used to believe, that my birthday would change every year. As the days of the week changed. SO that i, my birthday being in may, would some day have a birthday in june, as it would move one day forward every year.

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My birthday is on December 31st, and when we'd go out to dinner on my birthday when I was 4 or 5 I thought all the celebration was for me!

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My birthday is November 11th, Veteran's Day. Until I was about six or seven years old, I thought I was a veteran. After all, it said so right on the calendar. Even after discovering I wasn't in fact a veteran, I still thought it cool that all the calendars had my birthday marked in red.

John Bejarano
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I have always been known for being extremely gulable. I like to think I have grown out out it, but who knows? Anyway, I was eight years old. My step-mother's friend Elise came to our house in California all the time. So she was a good friend of mine. Anyway, one day we were talking and she said, "Your feet are growing...you wore a size 2 last year and now you wear a size 3. That means next year you will turn 3, not 9." I'm guessing she was going to tell me she was joking but someone called her in another direction. I dreded my birthday. The day before my birthday i bawled my eyes out. My mom couldn't figure out why so i was sent to a psychitrist who didn't help me any. Finally, I told my mom what was bothering me. She had a long talk with Elsie and That's how i got my name Gulable Gabby.

Gabrielle Johnson
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my birthday is the day before halloween, so i always thought that all the kids came to my door dressed up for my birthday

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My uncles birthday is on Guy Fawks and he use to believe that everybody let off fireworks just for him. He is more educated on the matter these days.

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I used to believe, bizarrely, that everyone had a different birthday. Eg. because I had 'bagsyed' Sept 11th, no-one else had it.
This was very stupid of me because I knew how many days there were in a year, and that there were millions more people than that in the world.
Still, I believed it.

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When I was younger I thought everybody was born on the same day. My birthday is May 19 so I thought everybody was born on that date. Whenever some kid said his birthday was in February, I was like "No, that's not your birthday! Your birthday is May 19"

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I thought that my parents made me write thank-you notes for my birthday and xmas presents because they were jealous that I got so many presents and therefore wanted to punish me.

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for some reason when i was younger i thought that i had 2 bdays. my bros birthdays on 3rd of may and mines on th 18th and apprently i was born on th 3rd so my parents changed it because they didnt want two of their kids to have the same birthday cos they didnt want to buy 2 sets of presents in one go. so i thought my real birthday was on th 3rd and th 18th one was just another thing. and it dint help when my frend said the same thing as well (dat she had 2 birthdays)i fink my bro told me dat as well. he normally told me a load of crap

ga ga munch
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In the mid 90's, I used to believe that babies who were born in the year 2000 would live forever.

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when I was younger(5-8) I used to think that my birthday was a holiday, while in fact the days off from school we had was MLK Jr. Day, by birthday almost always fell on it. MLK Jr. Day will fall on my birthday in 2005 also.

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When I was in grade school, we moved in to a new house. About 5 miles away was a mall & on the big sign outside of the mall where they would put "messages" or sales they had HAPPY BIRTHDAY on it just before my birthday. My family decided it was "cute" to tell me that they had it done for ME!!! It turns out that the mall had been put up around my birthday 8) ! Imagine how disappointed I was when I found out it was the malls birthday & NOT mine they were referring to!

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My mum told me one evening when I was about 5 that I couldn't go to bed in my birthday suit.
It had just been my birthday and she had bought me the most wonderful teddy bear all in one nightsuit.
I cried all night cos I couldn't understand why she bought it if I couldn't wear it to bed.

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i thought that when it was your birthday you grow and then you didn't grow until a years time.

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This isn't really my believe, but anyway: I grew up with my cousin, who was a year younger than me. One day, he was angry at me, (for a reason I can't remember, I think maybe because I was bigger,) and we started argueing. "Someday I'll be older than you!!" He screamed. "Uh-uh! Every year you grow older, so will I! I'll always be older!" At this he shouted at the top of his lungs and began to cry. Frankly, I'm still older than him.

:P Nah_nah!
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