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My name is Pamela and one of the fondest childhood memories I had was of watching Sesame Street on my 6th birthday whilst my mother was preparing cakes and dinner. That day, Sesame Street had been sponsored by the number "6" and the letter "P". I was utterly convinced that my mother had conived the makers of the program into doing so to honnor my birthday. I was uncontrollable with glee and there was simply no dealing with me after that.

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My cousin's birthday is on Dec. 31st. My aunt and uncle always had a big bash that included the entire extended family. I though my cousin was born at exactly midnight because everyone would start hugging and kissing and blowing noisemakers.

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i used to believe (very logically) that there were only 365 people in the world. that way, everyone got their very own birthday that they didn't have to share. (i guess i didn't consider twins, huh?)

Ev - arizona, USA
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You can't get in trouble on your birthday. On my 6th birthday I decided to test this theory. I took a hammer to my babysitters brick outdoor grill. I got in big trouble.

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I believed that when you were one, your birthday was on the 1st of whatever month, and when you were two it was on the 2nd and so on and so forth until you dies, when your birthday was on the last day of the month. I thought that I would die when I was 28 because my birthday is in February. My mom had to explain to me that my birthday would always be on the same day (and she added that I'd only die when I drove her crazy and she ate me. I was scared of her after that).

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I'm a New Year's baby and up until I was about 5 or 6, I thought the countdown at midnight was for me. Sadly, the self-absorption hasn't dissipated.

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I used to believe that you grew on your birthday. On my 5th birthday I was inconsolable at bedtime because I wasn't any taller than when I woke up.

Susan Macleod
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I believed that there was an actual number inside you, somewhere near your stomach, that would change on your birthday. I swear I could feel it "changing" when I woke up on my birthday.

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When I was in second grade, my teacher was teaching us the months of the year by using the rhyme "30 days hath September, April, June, and November..." However, she kept saying "...MAY, June, and November..." My birthday happens to be May 31, and I spent several days believing that I had never been born.

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I used to think that I could meet famous people by inviting them to my birthday parties...

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I used to think that the age 8 was only a girl age, I thought boy's couldn't turn 8, they skipped it. And believe me when I got in a huge fight with a boy at school when he told me he was 8!

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The priest came to visit our school near Christmas when I was four, and he said 'does anybody know whose birthday it is on 25th December?' I put my hand straight up and yelled 'Mine!' He said no, and asked someone else, who said Jesus. I never wanted anything to do with Jesus after that because he'd stolen my birthday.

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When my older sister was little, she cried one year becasue she didn't get an invitation to her own birthday party. My mother tried to explain to her that she didn't need one, but my sister wasn't satisfied until she got her own invitation

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I thought I was such a lucky and special kid, because I was born on the exact same day as my birthday.

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I got mixed up on the whole "presents are supposed to be a surprise" thing cuz when my dad asked me what I wanted I said "I can't tell you,it's a surprise"

backwards crayon
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When we would go to resturants for my birthday, and the end all the waiters would come out with balloons and a sundae and sing. I was amazed by this, and thought every restraunt in the world had my birthday marked on a special calendar in the kitchen. I suppose it never occured to me that my dad was telling them. I thought I was royalty or something.

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I used to think that, on your birthday, you didn't actually turn a year older until you ate some birthday cake.

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I used to believe that there was a magical ingredient in birthday cakes that allowed you to age another year, and that's why you had to eat it.

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I used to believe that every year on your birthday fairies would come along and take your body and replace it with another one that was a year older.

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When I was a little kid, I thought R.I.P had something to do with parties. So when it came to my birthday and I was writing invitations to my party for my friends, I happily wrote on the bottom "R.I.P" instead of "R.S.V.P"

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