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When I was in kindergarten or first grade there was a girl who had the same birthday as me. She looked liked I did, our teachers even confused us. So I assumed that everbody who had the same birthday looked alike. It wasn't until I met my aunt's friend who had her birthday but looked nothing like her that I realized I was wrong.

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Not my belief, but I heard a 3rd-grade student of mine earnestly explaining this to another today and just had to share it: If you are sick on your birthday, then you don't get one year older.

Nicholas Dollak
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I was born on Christmas Day, and when I was little all I knew was that people decorated their houses and sang songs and gave gifts to celebrate a birthday. However, I used to believe that this was all done in the spirit of my birthday. I mean, who wouldn't be excited, it was MY birthday! :)

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i used to believe only special people were born on their birthdays. because i used to think that birthdays was just a personal celebration.

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My brother's birthday falls on Memorial Day weekend. When we were little, we lived on the main street and the Shriners would have a parade that weekend, but I always thought the parade was for his birthday!

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It wasn't until later in life that I found out that not everyone had a birthday bird who delivered the gifts to their home on their birthday.

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I used to think you could have an extra birthday nine months before your real one, for the day you were conceived before being born.

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When I was in grade school, we moved in to a new house. About 5 miles away was a mall & on the big sign outside of the mall where they would put "messages" or sales they had HAPPY BIRTHDAY on it just before my birthday. My family decided it was "cute" to tell me that they had it done for ME!!! It turns out that the mall had been put up around my birthday 8) ! Imagine how disappointed I was when I found out it was the malls birthday & NOT mine they were referring to!

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I thought when I was four that a year was the same as a day. And then when I found out I had a birthday once every year, I was ecstatic, and I thought that logically, at some point every day, it was my birthday. When my real birthday came, my fifth one, I began crying when there were only five candles on my cake. I kept saying that I 'should be thirty-two by now!'

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I used to think my birthday was a national holiday and the whole world celebrated it

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I was born on the fourth of July, and naturally I loved seeing the fireworks every year. From the time I could talk until I was about six, I believed that the fireworks were all for me. People from all over the place would come to celebrate my birthday! My father told me this, and soon I realized that it was America's birthday, too. But I haven't missed a fireworks show yet, and I'm still my mom's firecracker baby!*

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my daughter asked me how old you have to be to smoke. i told her 16. so later she said, can i be 16 on my next birthday?

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My birthday is on July 4th and, when I was little we always went to the park and had a picknic. Everyone including myself had fireworks back then and, all celebrated at the same time. Until I was about 6 years old I thought every one else was celebrating my birthday with me. What a disappointment when I found out the truth.

Charlie Peck
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When my brothers and I were young our Father whos birthday is on 26th January used to tell us all the fireworks and celebrations were for his birthday. I remember at school being asked what we did on Australia Day? I replyed "Don't you mean Dads Birthday" I was devestated to find out that not everyboby was celebrating my Dads birthday.

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I used to think you grew a certain amount on your Birthday, you ONLY grew on your birthday, and on your birthday all your clothes would also grow however much you grew so they would still fit.

I remember my mum saying I had grown out of some clothes quite a few times, and this used to puzzle me. Eventually I decided they had grown like me, just not enough for me to fit into them any more.

I was a weird kid - still kinda am!

the world looks to me
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When I was little I thought that whatever was on the birthday card was the gift you were going to get - like if there was a duck on the card I thought I was going to get a duck for my birthday. I was always, always disappointed - especially if there was a pony on the card.

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I have a sister who is 4 years younger than me; her birthday is on February 2nd and mine is on the 28th.
I used to believe there was something wrong about her birthday coming before mine and every year I used to ask my parents why we celebrated her birthday first!

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My mum told me one evening when I was about 5 that I couldn't go to bed in my birthday suit.
It had just been my birthday and she had bought me the most wonderful teddy bear all in one nightsuit.
I cried all night cos I couldn't understand why she bought it if I couldn't wear it to bed.

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I used to believe that the queen lived in a retirement housing estate about 5 minutes away from my house.
This is because, on the way to school oneday when I was 5, we went past estate and a big banner saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUEEN ELIZIBETH" hung from bungalow to bungalow.
On my birthday party we had had a "happy birthday Claire" banner hung on the window so that my friends could find my house for the party.
I then realised that the queen OBVIOUSLY lived in one of them bungalows, and today she was having a party with all her friends.
I had an image in my head of the queen and all her posh old lady friends drinking cherryade, eating cake and playing games like pin the tail on the donkey!

Claire Bear H!!!!
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When I was younger, I would hear people say a baby was 18 months old. That left me infinitely confused about how long the first year of life was.

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