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i hate clowns ever since ive seen IT i saw it when i was 4 so i used to think when i took a shower IT's hand would come out and grab my foot and pull me down so i only took baths for some time then my mom told me that the clowns not real

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When I was about 6, I was convinced that a killer clown lived in my bathroom. Every time I would need to go, I would have to check behind the door and shower curtain, under the sink, and in the hamper.

Terrified of Clowns
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I used to believe that i was turning into a clown whenever I cried becase my cheeks and nose would become red

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I thought that clowns were born that way, with the funny hair and make-up. It was just like any other birth defect a child can imagine. I assumed that they worked in the circus because that was the only place they could get work. For a long time I didn't want children, just in case they were born clowns. To this day I find clowns kind of creepy

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when i was younger i asked my mom why was the moon always following the car at night and then she told me that a clown use to drive it around and chase me

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When I was about 5 I had this crazy fear of clowns. I thought that clowns would come into my room and eat me. So every night I locked my door and had a pie over my bed. (For a few days before everyone started noticing the stench)

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I used to think that clowns were a species separate from humans. They looked a lot like humans, but their faces were pure white with huge red lips and round red noses, and they wore weird clothes and couldn't talk. They lived far far away. At friends' birthday parties and the like, whenever there was a clown, I would go up to them to determine whether they were a "real" clown or not. I would always find that they were just people wearing makeup, and I would become very disappointed. I'd go up to the clown and say "you're not really a clown. That's just makeup." I think this confused them a lot.

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Every time a plane would fly over my house Thought that a clown would come out of the plane.

Charlie Abouhamed
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Before I realized that clowns were just normal people in funny costumes and makeup, I thought that clowns were born that way. When I heard that someone had a baby, I would wonder if it was a clown baby. Finally, one day I asked my mother why no one we knew had a clown baby. I don't remember what she answered, but to her eternal credit, she did it with a straight face!

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when i was little i saw a movie and in most movies theres a bad guy, well the bad guy in this movie was a clown. so when mum brought a clown around for my birthday i ran out of the room screaming and crying thinking that he would kill me!!

i still think clowns are creepy!!

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On my 4th birthday, my mom had a clown come and do magic tricks. He put a fake thumb on my mom's hand and pretended to cut it off. I thought he really did cut it off and I started sobbing.

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I found a picture in a magazine at my grandma's of the graduating class at Clown University. I cut that picture out, carried it around with me everyday, and hoped that one day, I too, could attend clown school.

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I used to believe that clowns didn't have voices and couldn't talk. I also didn't realize that they weren't born clowns. I wanted so badly to have a clown as a pet. He could live in the garage and we would communicate through sign language.

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I used to think that clowns were a species, like some kind of animals. It wasn't til i was five that i realized they were just people. :o)

b p <3
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After a trip to the circus, I formed the notion that clowns were another ethnic group. The circus had Mommy and Daddy clowns with their clown "children" (little people), didn't they?

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Clowns . . .
When I was maybe 4 or 5 years old my older brother (he was all of 6 or 7 at the time) explained that clowns were a separate species. He knew this because he had seen "clown babies" on the TV. And I certainly believed every word my big brother spoke.

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When i was very young i was a little scared of clowns (exposure to Stephen King's 'It' at a young age probably didn't help!) Anyway, one time my dad took me to McDonalds and unbeknown there was a guy entertaining kids dressed as Ronald McDonald. I was happily munching my food when i saw this scary-ass clown running towards me and he loomed down on me to pick me up. Convinced i was about to meet my maker i started to scream and cry and french fries went everywhere. there are photos(!!) of this incident ...I hate clowns.

Sarah, England
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when I was younger I watched Steven Kings 'IT' It asolutely terrified me and I was scared to go anywhere be myself, was terrified of clowns and sill to this day hate them, I cut the word 'it' out of my vocabulary and refused to walk over drains in case it pulled me down. Not long ago I saw the film in the video shop and decided to watch it to find out what had terrified me so much. It made me laugh, I didnt think it was scary at all, Its funny what can scare you when your'e young!

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When my mother was a child, she believed that being a clown was a birth defect rather just makeup. She thought that if you were born with a face like that, you had to join the circus to entertain people. There were no other options.

E. Lee
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THe first time I watched Steven King's "IT" I couldn't sleep for weeks or rarely took a bath. Partly cause if I went to sleep, IT would come and eat me, or he would come out of the bathtub facaut like it did in the movie. Paranoid of clowns ever since...

Paranoid of Clowns
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