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I used to believe that clowns and teachers weren't really people. I didn't think they had homes. I didn't think they ate dinner. I didn't think they went to the bathroom.

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I used to believe that clowns were not people dressed up in costumes but were a separate race or species that always looked like that and married other clowns and had baby clowns and whole clown families.

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As a kid, I used to think clowns were a race of people. Growing up in Texas, we went to rodeos every summer. That is the only place I saw lots of clowns. I couldn't figure them out and I was always thankful I wasn't born a clown.

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When my mother was a child, she believed that being a clown was a birth defect rather just makeup. She thought that if you were born with a face like that, you had to join the circus to entertain people. There were no other options.

E. Lee
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When i was very young i was a little scared of clowns (exposure to Stephen King's 'It' at a young age probably didn't help!) Anyway, one time my dad took me to McDonalds and unbeknown there was a guy entertaining kids dressed as Ronald McDonald. I was happily munching my food when i saw this scary-ass clown running towards me and he loomed down on me to pick me up. Convinced i was about to meet my maker i started to scream and cry and french fries went everywhere. there are photos(!!) of this incident ...I hate clowns.

Sarah, England
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I used to believe that clowns didn't have voices and couldn't talk. I also didn't realize that they weren't born clowns. I wanted so badly to have a clown as a pet. He could live in the garage and we would communicate through sign language.

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Before I realized that clowns were just normal people in funny costumes and makeup, I thought that clowns were born that way. When I heard that someone had a baby, I would wonder if it was a clown baby. Finally, one day I asked my mother why no one we knew had a clown baby. I don't remember what she answered, but to her eternal credit, she did it with a straight face!

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When I was a child I used to believe that clowns were born clowns with a red nose , big feet , multicolored hair...

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Clowns . . .
When I was maybe 4 or 5 years old my older brother (he was all of 6 or 7 at the time) explained that clowns were a separate species. He knew this because he had seen "clown babies" on the TV. And I certainly believed every word my big brother spoke.

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A friend of mine went through the first several years of her life believe that when babies were born they came out one of three ways - boy, girl, or clown.

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I used to believe that clowns were born that way.

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Clowns had hairy backs. Children got stuck, couldn't get free, and starved to death. Clowns thought it was funny, and would look for children to stick in their back hair. I was terrified of clowns, and would run screaming if I saw one.

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I thought that clowns were born that way, with the funny hair and make-up. It was just like any other birth defect a child can imagine. I assumed that they worked in the circus because that was the only place they could get work. For a long time I didn't want children, just in case they were born clowns. To this day I find clowns kind of creepy

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When I was a kid my parents were going to take me to see Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke. I did not know who they were or what the movie would be about. I asked Dad and he said they were a couple of 'clowns' that ran around smoking pot and running from the cops. Oh how I was disappointed when the movie started and they did not look like Bozo or Cookie. I really thought they would be clowns. :-(

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I believed that evil clowns wanted to eat me.

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My little sister who is two years younger than me used to think Ronald McDonald was what the devil must look like. She was really scared of him. Once there was a man dressed up (obviously) as Ronald McDonald doing some promotion at the local McDonalds and handing out games to the kids. My sister got so scared when he said 'Hello little girl, would you like one of these games?' that she kicked him in the shin and ran away screaming. As my siblings and I knew how afraid she was of Ronald McDonald we'd send my sister downstairs for some water or for something and then turn out the lights and shout 'RONALD McDONALD!' and she'd come running up the stairs screaming and crying. I know, children can be so cruel. She laughs about it now, but she still thinks he's well scary :p

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On a worksheet at school, we were given the task of going through a list of different animals and picking out the ones that were mammals.

Curiously, one of the choices on the list was "clown", so I spent a long time believing that clowns were a different species to people.

Tufty the Squirrel
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My sister used to believe that clowns were born that way.

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I used to believe that i was turning into a clown whenever I cried becase my cheeks and nose would become red

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I used to believe that clowns were really skeletons, and they hid the fact by building up lots and lots of makeup on their skulls so that it looked like they had skin. No wonder I was scared of clowns!!

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